Everyday we hear about the Great Resignation and labor shortages. People, all generations, are looking for something different in their work lives.
This has unleashed recruiters. I get emails everyday from recruiters wanting to help solve the recruiting and labor shortage problem. They may be very good, they may be able to help identify great candidates. But better recruiting isn’t a solution to the Great Resignation.
People are seeking a different work experience. While a lot is being made about more flexible hours, fewer hours, work from anywhere, these are also just the tip of the issues we face with the Great Resignation.
People want more out of work than a pay check, well stocked kitchens, virtual cocktail parties, and logo shirts!
People are looking for work where they are valued, where they are something more than a replaceable cog in their companies. People are looking for meaning in what they do, who they work with, and how they are treated. They want to be heard, they want to contribute. They want to work with organizations that are aligned with their personal goals and purpose. They want to have the opportunity to learn, grow, develop, contribute.
Work is about human engagement, shared values, mutual respect.
Better recruiting can help identify those people that may be more aligned with our organizational purpose, vision, and values. But better recruiting won’t create workplaces where people want to work. That responsibility starts with top management and needs to cascade through every part of the organization. It must be part of the fabric of the business.
Are we creating workplaces that people want to be part of?
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