Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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By David Brock | July 26, 2024

Let’s step out of our selling roles for a moment and talk about conversations. Think about the conversations you have within your own organizations. Think about the conversations you have with colleagues and partners. In reflecting on those conversations, what are the characteristics of the most impactful conversations and meetings? Think, also, of the meetings that were a massive waste of time. What are the characteristics of those meetings? (Unfortunately, we seem to spend too much time in those.) Let’s look at the most impactful conversations and meetings.  Whether one on one or group discussions, the best have many of […]

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Can You Hold Up Your Side Of The Conversation?

By David Brock | July 25, 2024

We have tools and technology that “equip” us for conversations with our customers. In years past, it might have taken hours to put that together, preparing for a single call. Now, all of it is at our fingertips. The problem is, these are the starting points to a conversation. And if they work, as we would hope they work, can we carry on the conversation? Too often, the conversations go like this, “I’ve noticed market expansion is a key strategy of your company. We help our customers expand their markets with these solutions, can I schedule a demo?” Or, “You […]

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“Did You Get My Last Email…….”

By David Brock | July 24, 2024

Our inboxes, social feeds, text messages, voicemail (does anyone use it anymore), are filled with outreaches. If your experience is anything like mine, 99.9% are a pure waste. Poorly targeted, personalized in the most impersonal manner, AI authored. The volume grows. Fortunately I’ve trained my spam filters to take out a lot, but inevitably a few sneak through. But this post isn’t whining about those initial emails that we get. There are also a very small number of very good and relevant outreaches that suffer from the same problem. It’s the “Did you get my last email” problem. We know […]

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On Differentiation

By David Brock | July 24, 2024

Differentiation is critical in buying/selling. Differentiation gives buyers choices and helps them choose. We invest in never ending differentiation battles: “My product is better than the others, we have more features and functions, we have a more impressive customer base, we have great references, we have high NPS scores, we are cheaper……” Our websites are filled with comparative charts, listing features/functions, capabilities compared with the alternatives. And we ensure we always have more “check” marks in our columns than the alternatives. And our competitors have their versions of those charts. We spend so much time focusing on how different we […]

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By David Brock | July 23, 2024

We are constantly preoccupied. We have “to-do” lists filling our heads. We endless tasks and project that have to get done. Others have expectations on us. Whether it’s our managers, people we work with, customers, our families. Sometimes, we create it ourselves. I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve been so preoccupied with something that I’ve lost track of time, I’ve been late to meetings, I’ve missed other things that are important. Sometimes, we are preoccupied with distractions. We find ourselves doom scrolling through our devices. We don’t want to miss anything causing us to be distracted by […]

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A Malaise, “I Don’t Care…..”

By David Brock | July 22, 2024

This is one of those more reflective posts. I don’t know that I have solutions or ideas about what we might do. I’m not even sure if I understand the issue or the problem. I’ve written a little bit about it before, “Something’s Happening Here…” But I find more people talking to me about this issue, with the same confusion. Over the past few years, there’s been a “malaise” I’ve been seeing in business. Sometimes it seems to be burnout, sometimes it’s overload or overwhelm, sometimes it’s genuine confusion. We are experiencing a confluence of things, most of us have […]

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