Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Where’s The Customer?

By David Brock | July 19, 2024

In the press of developing and executing our GTM strategies, there’s a tendency to be preoccupied with our own organizations, products, goals. It’s easy to understand how that happens, and it happens to all of us. But over time, it’s easy to get distracted. We get focused on our actions. More marketing programs, more outreach, higher levels of activity, more pipeline, and on and on. We review data about the work we do and whether we are doing enough work, seldom questioning whether it is the right work. We focus on the things we do, losing sight of our customers. […]

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Selling As A Team Sport

By David Brock | July 17, 2024

I suppose it’s human nature to be self centered, focused on those things that impact each of us, our goals, dreams, and aspirations. Within business, we focus relentlessly on our own performance objectives/goals/comp. We are consumed by the day to day activities and tasks critical to achieving those goals. I talk to many sellers frustrated by the “obstacles” standing in their way, “Just leave me alone, let me do my job!” Increasingly, I talk to sellers who feel isolated in doing their jobs. It’s useful to pause to reflect on the reality that selling is a job that is 100% […]

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Needs Vs Wants

By David Brock | July 15, 2024

We’re taught, and I have taught about the importance of “Need Identification.” We sophisticated discovery questions focused on probing customer needs, understanding their requirements. When we are at our best, we deeply understand the customer business processes. We understand the challenges/problems they face. We understand the impact of those problems. We understand the consequences for doing nothing. And we work with our customers to help them understand these things. We do analysis, we provide assessments, analyses, business cases, justifications. These are accompanied by testimonials and case studies about how we help our customers address their needs. We equip our customers […]

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Cat Insurance…..

By David Brock | July 13, 2024

Long time readers will know that I sometimes choose a topic that’s not the “real topic.” It’s often a way for us to think about far deeper issues. For example, while I talk a lot about “relationship selling,” and the importance of human to human connection in selling and business, I’m also making a commentary on society, in general. When I talk about our eroding expectations, it’s not just on the customer service we have come to expect, but it’s also about the expectations we have of each other in the workplace, with our customers, in our communities, and societies. […]

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“Relationship” Selling…..

By David Brock | July 12, 2024

I was listening to a webcast recently and the “new” concept of “Relationship” selling came up. Apparently the speakers were noticing the fact that to develop trust and confidence with our customers, we have to build some sort of relationship. The discussion went further, discussing concepts around FOFU, sensemaking, decision confidence, all requiring some level of relationship in helping the customer understand and move forward. It’s fascinating that after more than a decade of mechanizing our engagement strategies, we are now discovering that, ultimately, selling is all about people working with people. Whether it’s within the buying team itself, our […]

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“Don’t Cancel” Vs. “Buy Again”

By David Brock | July 11, 2024

We know retention is critical to every business strategy. Somehow, the SaaS crowd thinks they’ve invented the concept, but the reality is that it’s been a business fundamental since the foundation of business. Dig into any earnings report of any organization in the world. Look at the portion of revenue from net new logos versus current customers buying again. Early stage companies will be biased to net new logos, but as they mature, the balance of revenue shifts to current customers. It becomes critical to get customers retain customers, for them to continue to buy or to buy again. Along […]

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