Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Why Do We Find “Objections” So Objectionable?

By David Brock | October 10, 2024

“Objections,” more specifically, “Objection Handling” have been a fundamental part of sales training, probably since the first sale. I can imagine Adam saying to Eve, “But that’s not a Granny Smith, I prefer those…..” Fear strikes at the heart of too many sellers. “This call will be great as long as they don’t bring up these issues?” Sellers do everything they can to avoid objections. Sometimes they finesse them, sometimes they just can’t answer them. Our mindset about objections tends to be combative, it’s the customer resisting our pitches, objections are something to overcome. We study all sorts of techniques […]

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AI Will Not Be The Differentiator…….

By David Brock | October 4, 2024

As with any new technology, we rush to leverage it, thinking the fact that we are leveraging it becomes a differentiating capability. Just look at how many technology companies are trumpeting their incorporation of AI in their products. Marketing materials, sales pitches, everything is, “We are using AI! We have incorporated ChatGPT (insert the name of your favorite LLM), We are doing…..!” Suddenly the AI has become what separates their products from others. And, as we look through the history of technology disruptions, we’ve seen similar things. But within the next couple of years, AI won’t be the differentiator. It […]

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“This Is Just The Way Things Are…….”

By David Brock | October 3, 2024

I have to confess huge frustration with too many of the conversations I see in my social feeds. People take a position, leveraging (perhaps cherry picking) data to support their premises. While, their arguments make sense–obviously, they’ve structured them to make sense, but they are fundamentally flawed. Most of the time, they are just defenses of the status quo. And it’s ironic, because too often they think they are presenting deep insights and “aha” moments. But they justify their insights through defending the status quo. For example, recently I got into a “discussion” with someone arguing the importance of volume […]

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More Meetings Or Better Meetings?

By David Brock | October 2, 2024

O Meetings are critical to achieving our performance goals! It is through these meeting, whether F2F, virtual, phone, that we engage our customers, helping them navigate their buying/problem solving process. So it stands to reason, that more meetings would drive higher levels of performance. To increase our attainment, we just need to conduct more meetings. And for many, achieving meeting goals is a critical performance metric. We know how many meetings we have to conduct to find and qualify a deal. The math to get 10 new qualified deals is easy. We can now set goals for meetings, doing the […]

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AI, Freeing Up Selling Time…….

By David Brock | October 1, 2024

Everyday, we see new ways that AI helps us accomplish more in less time. It helps us research our customers, prepare emails, actually do the outreach, plan calls, manage many of our responses, update CRM, understand our numbers, alert us to new opportunities, ……. It seems each day, we see parts of our jobs that AI can do better than us, freeing up our time, making us more productive. There are some strategic issues as we look at AI agents, there is the possibility that AI can actually replace us. Human beings won’t be necessary for certain types of transactions, […]

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The Problem With “Solution” Selling

By David Brock | September 30, 2024

OK, most sellers are clueless about solution selling. They’ve been taught to pitch products! They talk about product capabilities, features, functions, move to a demo, then close. The customer has to figure out whether the product solves their problem. Fortunately, for these sellers, customers are engaging them in the last 15% of their buying process. By that time, they have figured out their problem, they have researched solutions, they have narrowed it to a shortlist, and they are interested in learning about the products.  And this is what most sellers are trained to do. In complex B2B, this approach isn’t […]

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