Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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What If We Assumed Indecision/Uncertainty Is Pervasive?

By David Brock | July 3, 2024

Ted McKenna blew me away in a conversation today. He posed the question, “What if indecision is always there?” It got my mind spinning. We’ve not paid much attention to indecision, and I’ll add uncertainty. Too often we, me included, have tended to be “just the facts” oriented. We help people identify what they are trying to do, we help them understand they issues that impact them, how they might look at them. We help them identify the opportunity cost for not taking action to address their potential fear of change. We help them navigate the buying process, ultimately to […]

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The Problem With Sales Math, A Thought Experiment

By David Brock | July 2, 2024

The answer to every seller’s dream is more volume. “If we only had more leads, we could have more top of funnel, which produces more opportunities, …….” We have the algorithms that help us identify what we need to achieve our goals. Simplistically, “X top of funnel produces Y revenue.” For whatever revenue goal we have, we calculate the top of funnel required to achieve that goal. If we want to double our revenue, we have to double top of funnel. If we want to quadruple revenue, we quadruple top of funnel. Math works! From this basic equation, we know […]

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The “Problem Focused” ICP

By David Brock | July 1, 2024

“We” tend to be very sloppy in our definition and focus on our Ideal Customer Profile. Yet it is probably the single most important thing to producing results. We tend to define the functions that may be the purchasers/users of our solutions. “We sell IT solutions to CIOs and their teams.” “We sell sales/marketing solutions, to CROs and their teams.” “We sell financial solutions to CFOs and their teams.” But every IT exec, CRO, CFO probably don’t fit our ICPs. We may refine it to, “We sell solutions to CFOs in financial services companies.” But that’s a big space, it […]

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Maybe We Have Things “Inside/Out….”

By David Brock | June 28, 2024

I’ve been engaged in a number of diverse conversations about our GTM strategies and the challenges so many organizations face in achieving their goals. The conversations have ranged from our overall approach to engaging customers based on lean manufacturing models, to the future of SDRs, to how do we improve win rates/deal strategies, to account growth. Other than the deep frustration people have in the issue of “What used to work is no longer working,” or “Everything is broken,” there has been a common thread through all these conversations. The thinking has been an “Inside/Out” approach. What does this mean? […]

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How Manufacturing Works, Applying It To Selling

By David Brock | June 27, 2024

For some reason, there’s a huge attraction to applying “manufacturing techniques” to selling. I suspect it’s the perceived orderliness to manufacturing processes and the predictability of the outcome. It’s easy to understand that attraction. The lean approaches applied to manufacturing create a hyper efficient process. Second, it always produces the same outcome (manufacturing experts will quibble, but we do design manufacturing lines to produce zero defects.) While most lean manufacturing is a “pull” process, we know that whatever we feed into the beginning of that manufacturing line will produce a very precise outcome/output. Experienced manufacturing people, please forgive me, I’ll […]

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“Something’s Happening Here, What It Is Ain’t Exactly Clear…”

By David Brock | June 26, 2024

I’ve been in various businesses in a variety of jobs for close to 4 decades. I’m experiencing and observing something I’ve never encountered. Over the last several weeks, I’ve had a number of conversations–some I initiated, some initiated by others. Conversations with clients, colleagues, business friends. We are all seeing similar things, each from different perspectives. It’s very difficult to describe or put words to it. But it’s something each of is is sensing. We struggle with describing it. We struggle with “What do we do about it?” Most of those I speak with have been through all sorts of […]

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