Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


True leadership lies in guiding others to success. In ensuring that everyone is performing at their best, doing the work they are pledged to do and doing it well. —Bill Owens

Leadership is critical to success, whether self-leadership or organizational leadership. Too often, we confuse leadership and management. Both have their place, but leadership enables organizations to achieve.

We provide a variety of programs to support the development of leaders. Whether it is their role in the organization and how to perform. Developing/implementing strategies, setting performance goals and dealing with performance challenges. Or managing performance and maximizing engagement. Or coaching and developing people in their teams.

Our programs and consulting can be offered at the organizational level, working with people in developing a strong leadership capability within the organization.

We also work at the individual level, serving as coaches or mentors to individuals, maximizing their ability to lead and helping them to move forward in their careers.

Leadership Posts

The Conundrum Of “Freeing Up Time,” Part 2

Time management is always an issue, and with everyone. We leverage tools, techniques, technologies that are supposed to make us more efficient and to free up time. But we still struggle. I wrote about the challenge high performers face in “The Conundrum Of Freeing Up Time, Part 1.” This post focuses on how we look […]

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The Conundrum Of “Freeing Up Time,” Part 1

We, rightfully, constantly seek to free up time. Yesterday, coaching an executive, the key issue was “freeing up time.” For such a senior executive, to some it might seem surprising, but it comes up in virtually every conversation I have, at every level of the organization. It’s interesting, I see two, almost diametrically oppose, things […]

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The Erosion Of Our Expectations…..

Long time followers know I spend a lot of time advising telcom companies around the world–equipment manufacturers, service providers, others. When I first started working closely with them in the 90’s. quality of service was one of the most critical issues for each one. What attracted and retained customers was the quality of each voice […]

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“Rearranging The Deck Chairs”

Yesterday, I was privileged to sit in a discussion with a number of SaaS founders and sales executives. We were talking about organizing the GTM functions to maximize performance. It was a fascinating discussion. It’s also like so many discussions I see, with all sorts of organizations. These discussions focus on how we structure and […]

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On Service And Serving

It’s rare that I deviate from writing about business, selling and leadership. But today is Memorial Day in the US. It struck me as important, perhaps more so than ever before, to pause and reflect on those who have served and are serving in the military, regardless of the country in which they served. I […]

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What Our Leaders “Owe” Us

As individual contributors, we are conditioned to think about what we owe our managers and leaders.  Are we getting all our tasks done–making the calls, doing the outreach, meeting with customers, progressing deals, keeping our reporting updated.  We are conditioned to think about hitting our goals and numbers, keeping our performance up, perhaps to keep […]

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Consistently High Performing Organizations

I suspect it’s trite to say, every leader wants to create a high performance organization or that people want to be part of high performing organizations. But what does it mean to be a high performing organization? In selling, is high performance “hitting our numbers?” Is it max’ing our comp plans? Is it about our […]

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“It’s Better To Look Good Than Be Good….”

Andy Paul and I were having what I’ve labeled “The Old Fart Conversations About Selling.” Neither of us feel we are out of touch with modern selling, the challenges both buyers and sellers face. Both of us embrace all sorts of technologies very quickly, as an example we both are actively developing AI based tools. […]

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It’s The Little Things That Count…..

It’s human nature to focus on the big things. Whether it’s a BHAG, a closing presentation for a major deal, a big job opportunity, a critical event. We obsess about how we succeed. We develop strategies, contingency plans, prep and rehearse. We are driven to succeed for those big things. We treat the little things […]

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Paying Attention

As trivial as it may seem, the ability to pay attention is one of the most important behaviors for success. But what does this really mean, particularly when we have so much competing for our attention, and when we invest so much in getting the attention of others? Too often, it seems we focus more […]

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Leadership Testimonials

"After reading the Sales Manager Survival Guide and being impressed with David’s expert understanding of sales and relevance to our industry, we engaged David directly for a Sales Manager coaching program. The content was excellent and David’s engagement with our managers was outstanding. I highly recommend David and Partners In Excellence if you want to take your sales to the next level. " Brad Colledge, Executive General Manager

“I was asked to take the role of managing a sales organization. Having no prior sales experience, the task seemed quite daunting. Thankfully, David Brock was there to give me direction and encouragement. Yes, David helped me understand the sales process; however, more importantly, David provided me with firm, but supportive critique that has proved invaluable to me. David never soft-pedaled his approach with me. Instead, he spoke to me as an executive, and expected me to live up to the call. In addition to direction, David provided me with the encouraging words that I needed to believe in myself, and that I could be successful in my new role. “ Scott Dixon, Managing Director

“Dave sets himself apart in the industry with his ruthless focus on preparation and sales discipline. Dave's mentorship and coaching is designed to ensure I focus on the most qualified opportunities, bring exceptional value to each customer interaction, and win more deals. He has been an indispensable mentor and transformational influence.” Mary Grogan Strain, Business Development Manager

“Dave Brock literally wrote the book on sales management! Dave provides critical insights that are thought-provoking and directional. Better yet, Dave not only provides a different perspective, but he also has the ability to work with clients to build solutions that positively impacts sellers and coaches alike.” Jim Wood, Vice President of Sales

One of the greatest gifts a coach can give to a coachee is to help them think more accurately about themselves, about their challenges, and about the various ways they go about solving those challenges. But Dave’s gift is something more. So much so that Dave’s helped me to fundamentally shift the way I think to begin with. This process has resulted not only in increased performance, but in a continual learning process that hasn’t stopped since our first coaching session. It’s an honor to call him my coach and a privilege to continually learn from him, even on the days between our coaching sessions! - Nate Tutas

When I was about to move into my first sales management role I reached out to Dave after I had read his book that really resonated with me. It was fantastic to have Dave as a coach and sounding board during those first months and it really put me on the right track to succeed in the sales management role and also set the foundation for me to progress from that. Didrik Moe, EMEA General Manager

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