Pop Quiz! Clear your screens/devices, put down your pencils. This is a thought experiment.
Now, here’s the question:
I want to talk to you! I want to arrange a Zoom meeting to talk about what we do as a business. I want to talk about our offerings, our happy customers, and how great we are as a company?
Can we arrange a 30 minute conversation to talk about these things?
Raise your hands in the comments, give me your contact info and I will arrange a conversation to tell you about our offerings.
Of course, I’ll do some nominal research, I’ll look at your company’s website for a couple of minutes, I’ll look at your LinkedIn Profile, I might like one of your comments or posts. But I’m only interested in pitching our offerings to you. Perhaps we might squeeze in a short demo.
How many of you would respond to this? How many would be interested in having a 30 minute conversation with me?
Yeah, I know some of you will try to turn the tables and talk about what you want to talk about, I have no interest in that, all I want to talk about is me and my offerings! I won’t let you talk about anything that’s irrelevant to me. Sure, I might ask you some questions about your needs and problems, but I already know the answers, you need my offerings! You need to change and my solutions are the vehicle to your change. I’ve shaped all my questions to focus only on this issue.
How many of you are up for this conversation? Leave your contact info in the comments, I’ll shoot you a Calendly link, and you can arrange a meeting at my convenience.
At this point, half of you are laughing, thinking this is absurd and ridiculous. The other half are pissed off and annoyed, “This guy is an absolute jerk!”
But this is the approach I see in 98% of the prospecting outreaches I get. Whether email, social, phone, text, 98% of the outreaches I get match this 100%!
We know we would never respond to these outreaches, so why do we expect anything different in our outreach?
We display no interest in our prospects and customers, but we expect them to display interest in us?
Afterword: Here is an AI agent discussion of this post! Enjoy!
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