As we enter the closing hours of 2012, it’s a time when all of us pause to reflect on the past year. Things we’ve achieved, things we missed. We start anticipating the New Year.
The wonderful thing about sales is that each year, we get to wipe the slate clean and start all over. Whatever our performance in the past year, it’s a new year with new goals, new programs and initiatives, new challenges. We get to go into the New Year refreshed, everyone is on equal footing. (My apologies to those of you whose fiscal year doesn’t end with the calendar year—but you’ll be celebrating the same thing when your fiscal year ends.)
The focus, naturally, is on what lies ahead for us and our colleagues.
I’d like to ask you to take a moment, both in your year end celebrations and in your planning for the coming year to think about others–people you will never meet, but on whose lives you can have a tremendous impact.
Many of you have seen my tweets, posts, newsletter and Holiday Greetings on Charity:Water. Many have been very generous in their support–both in contributing and in passing the word on. Thank You.
Access to clean drinking water impacts the lives of almost one billion people. Over 42,000 people die each week due to water and sanitation related diseases.
Water Changes Everything! It is at the core of many health, education, economic development, and social issues impacting everyone–including us! In developing countries, the impact is particularly severe for women and children, since the task of getting the family’s water falls to them.
Water is a complex problem. But it’s a problem that all of us can have a tremendous impact on. Only $20 can provide a person water for a year. That’s less than many of us spend on designer coffees each week.
Charity:Water has an outstanding model. 100% of it’s donations go directly to water projects in developing nations. As it happens, I am “funding” a project in the Tigray Region of Ethiopia.
Over the coming year, we will be running Making A Difference campaigns to raise over $20,000. Already, we have reached 60% of our goal of $5000 in this first campaign. Additionally, I am matching all contributions dollar for dollar up to a total of $5000. Reaching our 2013 goal will mean we have provided water for over 1000 people. So simple, but so great an impact.
As the year closes, I ask you two things:
First, please consider contributing just a few dollars. You’ll be amazed at how the simple act of contributing will make you feel. By contributing, you will get reports of the projects we are supporting. You will be able to track how you can Make A Difference!
Second, pass this a link to this post, tweet it, encourage your friends and communities to contribute and Make A Difference!
Thank you for considering this campaign. Please click on one of the links and make just a small contribution!
Thanks for you support! Best Wishes For A Fantastic 2013!
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