This is probably the closest to a “political post” I will ever write. Much of the drive to write this comes from watching/reading the news. I am disgusted by behaviors I see in both parties, by much of the media, and by too many “influencers.”
But a lot of this view comes from reading my feeds in LI, observing discussions, participating in some. Some comes from the strictly business focused discussions I see.
I understand differing positions, beliefs, POVs.
I understand differing objectives, priorities, agendas.
I understand, unfortunately, that some of these differences may be irreconcilable.
What I can’t understand, and refuse to accept is the lack of RESPECT we display in expressing our differences.
Name calling and demeaning people that may have different views is unacceptable. And even more so by those in powerful positions.
Name calling and demeaning people that might be different, whether race, gender, religion, nationality, sexual orientation is unacceptable.
I can’t help but think the people doing this are hiding some insecurities of fears in themselves.
Bullying doesn’t work.
We are all human beings.
We have our differences.
But we won’t begin to understand these without treating each other with RESPECT.
And even is we can’t reconcile our differences, this doesn’t mean we have to abandon RESPECT.
Perhaps we can start to make the world a better place.
Perhaps we might see paths to changes.
Perhaps we might develop new friends.
Perhaps we might just be better people.
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