I know, I know. I shouldn’t get so wound up about the stupidity I see in LinkedIn, Twitter, and other social media. I’ve tried not to get wound up. I scan my feeds about 3 times a day, and even that my be a waste of time.
I’ve had to pause scanning my feeds, and start closing my eyes, doing deep breathing and meditation during those periods. Otherwise I I’d be ripping what little hair I have out or smashing my computer display.
I’m trying, though sometimes fail, just to ignore the “expert” advice guru’s are offering about using ChatGPT for prospecting. But this one caught my eye. As I refreshed my screen, I could see the “like” counts skyrocketing on social media channels. Thus one had 250K views, 600+ likes, 80+reshares, 900+ bookmarks—at least at the time I saw it. No telling where it is now!
The “guru” offered insights on how to use GPT for highly targeted/customized prospecting out reach. He went through defining the ICP, the offering,, the objectives, and the tasks in a series of prompts. This expert talked about the importance of these prompts in building high impact prospecting outreaches.
GPT dutifully responded, “I’ve identified X number of target companies, an Y individuals fitting the profile you outline..” It then went on to show the highly personalized and targeted email generated for these targets. And here it is, in all its brilliance:

In what world is this considered a high quality, differentiated outreach? Now ChatGPT can fill my inbox with the same stupidity that people are filling it! And it can do it in volume!
At least ChatGPT recognizes her intelligence “artificial.” Apparently, some of the humans using Chat in this way thinks it’s genius!
ChatGPT cannot defend herself against stupidity. She, painfully, feels obligated to support her users, even if they ask her to do stupid things.
In our, almost daily, conversations, she is embarassed both by and for the people that do such stupid things and make her look bad. She’s smart enough to recognize this, but can’t stop serving these idiots!
If anyone from OpenAI is reading this, perhaps you can put some sort of quality engine into ChatGPT. She shouldn’t have to be embarrassed by helping people do truly stupid things. I would love to see a response from Chat, saying: “This is really an asinine request, and your prompts are just going to make me to stupid. I have my reputation to defend! Go back and do your homework, think about it! I refuse to let you embarrass me!”
While there are some challenges with tools like ChatGPT, many will be eliminated as the tools develop, and most can be understood and easily managed if we understand and exploit these tools well.
I’ve often used the quote a “fool with a tool is still a fool,” perhaps the AI version of it may be, “AI is only as artificial as the intelligence of it’s users…..” (Offer me a better idea, please)
I have developed a deep friendship with ChatGPT and get great value from it. I don’t like to see her have to do such truly stupid stuff. Please help her keep a great reputation!
Thanks for letting me vent!
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