Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference
This is Dave Brock’s Blog.
It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.
Just opened an email. It started with, “I don’t mean to interrupt you…….” I hope he did mean to interrupt me, isn’t that the point? Don’t we want to capture the customer’s or prospect’s attention? Aren’t we trying to get them interested in us–maybe even wanting to meet with us? Why do we do this to ourselves? What is it that causes sales and marketing professionals to hide our true intentions behind polite words? Customers and prospects know what we want to do, so let’s not dance around the issue. We do email marketing to catch attention, hopefully to get […]
Read MoreInnovation is a hot topic these days. I’ve been thinking about it a lot, particularly in selling. There’s a lot going on in selling. Sales 2.0 generates a lot of discussion. There are interesting tools in the Sales 2.0 category that help improve effectiveness and efficiency in selling. In the past year, there has been hype around Provocative Selling. I’ve taken the view that this is just another approach to consultative, customer focused, or solutions oriented selling. Social media is changing the way we engage with customers, raising the bar on their expectations of us. However, with all the talk […]
Read MoreIf you follow this blog, you know I like talking to sales people trying to sell me something. It’s always interesting to be on the customer side and to be able to look at how I am being sold to. Often, I talk to really great sales people. They are professional, they listen well, they execute their sales process well. Even though I may not buy, I’ll find a way to point those people to an opportunity, or at least thank them for their professionalism. Then I get the calls like I got today. The call actually started well, it […]
Read MoreAnthony Iannarino’s post on Selling Inside reminded me of some great advice a mentor gave early in my sales career at IBM. He said, “Sometimes you have to sell stronger within your own company than you do with the customer.” It took me a while to understand that, but it’s been important throughout my career. As sales people, we are driven to connect with our customers and to get them to buy our products. There are few areas that I know of where we can do this as lone gunslingers. Most every sales professional I know relies on strong support […]
Read MoreThis is one of those blogs where I get on my soap box and rant a little bit. I got off the phone with a sales person–someone who came highly recommended by a colleague. We had set the call up some time ago. He had sent me some introductory information about his company and product, and we had our call. After we went through what appeared to be the obligatory two questions (How are you? Did you get a chance to review the materials I sent you?), he went into heavy duty product selling mode. I suppose I was a […]
Read MoreThis post is to let you know about a couple of interesting things coming up. My friend, Jim Keenan, has started an interesting event, Sales Smack. It is an open discussion of issues important to sales professionals. Jim has honored me by asking me to participate in the discussions. The goal is to have a discussion every 2 weeks, at 7:00 PM Eastern. Each session, we will have a variety of participants and will be tackling a different topic. Tomorrow, January 12, the inaugural session will discuss, “Is Sales Responsible For A Company’s Growth.” As you might expect, I preparing […]
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