Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Can Someone Help Me Diagnose This Sales Call? I Don’t Get It.

By David Brock | May 15, 2009

It’s 7:00am, I’m busy disposing of email and getting my day started. I’m already on my second cup of coffee, the phone rings…..Most of my clients and colleagues know I start my day in the “office” at 5:00am, so I am anticipating it is one of them.Dave: Hello, this is Dave Brock.Other Party (OP): May I speak to your office manager?Dave: Well, my name is Dave Brock, I own the company so I guess I’m the office manager, how can I help you?OP: I’m John Doe from XYZ company and I’d like to know when your office hours start.Dave, slightly […]

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Should Sales Professionals Be Certified?

By David Brock | May 14, 2009

First let’s agree that many sales professionals (and others) are certifiable. My wife reminds me of this with every crazy idea I come up with. But that’s not what I mean. I’m talking about whether there should be a certification process for sales professionals. Over the past week, I’ve raised a lot of debate with my Posts On Sales Force Ineffectiveness, Conjecture On The Future Of The Profession: Part 1: Sales issues. Part 2: General business/organizational issues thatimpact sales effectiveness. Part 3: Recommendations for the future. Over at The Customer Collective, Donal Daly of the TAS Group, suggested we look […]

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Strategic Partners—How Important Are They To Your Sales Strategies — A Survey

By David Brock | May 11, 2009

Over the past 2 months, we have written a lot about Strategic Parnerships and Alliances as part of your sales strategies. Two of the posts are: Sometimes All We Want Is Good Customers, Sometimes All Customrs Want Is Good SuppliersIf Your Suppliers Are In Trouble, Then You Are In Bigger Trouble We’ve gotten a lot of queries and comments from people who have seen these articles. Many share our views that strong supply chain relationships are critical to successful implementation of their sales strategies. As a result of these conversations, we have decided to research this issue more deeply. We […]

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Sales Force Ineffectiveness, Conjecture On The Future Of The Profession, Part 3 of 3 – What Do We Do?

By David Brock | May 8, 2009

If you’ve made it this far through the series of articles, you probably want to quit your sales job and become a hermit in the mountains. I’ve certainly created a bleak picture. Thank you for your patience and dligence in hanging in with me! However, I am tremendously excited about being a sales professional and for the future of sales professionals. I think the dismal picture I’ve portrayed, also provides an opportunity for real progress and growth for sales professionals. Note—I’m focused on a small audience—people who are or who are committed to becoming the highest levels of performance in […]

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Sales Force Ineffectiveness, Conjecture On The Future Of The Profession, Part 2 of 3 — Not Just A Sales Problem

By David Brock | May 8, 2009

In the first part of this post, I focused primarily on the sales function and challenges we have created for ourselves. However, what we face is not just a sales problem. There are some things that keep us from being as effective as possible that are not just the “fault” of sales people, but which do contribute to our inability to sustain high levels of effective performance. Some of it is “business culture”—in general, some of it is “regional culture”—that is North American, European, Asian, and so forth. Some of it is “industry culture.” These represent attitudes, behaviors, practices, expectations […]

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Sales Force Ineffectiveness, Conjecture On The Future Of The Profession, Part 1 of 3

By David Brock | May 8, 2009

Let me start with an apology, I will probably gore everyone’s ox in this post. My intention is not to pick on any group of sales professionals, but to start a discussion about the state of the profession and to stimulate ideas on how each of use—as individuals, leaders, influencers might improve the practice of the profession. I’ve actually split this post into two, Part 1 addresses issues that are primarily driven by sales. Part 2 looks at systemic business issues, beyond sales, that impact how we perform. Part 3 focuses on what we can do about these issues, both […]

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