Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference
This is Dave Brock’s Blog.
It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.
I’m encamped in our local Starbucks, busy with my morning series of conference calls. Power is out at the office–the whole area is without power. It’s been out since about 10 pm last night. The power company was great in notifying us about the outage and setting our expectations about when power would be restored. They said it would be restored at 5:45 am. It’s 7:00 am, I’m at Starbucks. I did something sneaky. There are about 4 guys working at a big piece of electrical gear. They are switching out parts. I bought them some coffee. They were appreciative, […]
Read MoreHenry Ford was rumored to have said, “The customer is welcome to buy a car in any color they want, as long as it’s black.” I think there’s something to that concept. Now before you jump all over me, let me explain myself. The other day, I was meeting with a great sales team. We were discussing some tough deals. One person asked, “How do you handle a customer that asks you for 3 alternative solutions, for example, ‘good, better, best?’” I really try to avoid in my final proposals giving customers alternatives, I believe it’s our responsibility to provide the single […]
Read MoreTry as we might, sometimes we just can’t make our goals or commitments. Managers push us for forecasts. They pressure us to hit a certain number. There are mandates about what we have to do. We succumb to the pressure. We tell our managers what they want to hear, not reality. We may talk ourselves into believing what we’ve said. We certainly will try very hard to meet our commitments. But in our hearts we know there’s no way. Looking at the situation pragmatically, even optimistically, we know we can’t possibly make the commitments being requested. But we make them […]
Read MoreTry as we might to do things right, we’re all going to mess up every once in a while. We may say something that upsets a customer. We’ll miss opportunities with customers. We may miss a commitment. We will lose a deal we shouldn’t have lost. We will miss our numbers. There are any number of things that we will mess up. No one is perfect, we make mistakes. Situations and circumstances change, making what we’ve done wrong. However well we may have planned, prepared, anticipated, something happens and we fail. Sometimes we fear failing so much, that we do […]
Read MoreTrying to close a sale when a customer has no sense of urgency is like pushing a rope uphill. There’s a huge amount of effort, lots of activity, lots of flailing, but very little progress. Let’s face it, if the customer has no sense of urgency to change, we’re wasting both our time and that of the customer. As much as we may want something to happen, it won’t until the customer has a high sense of urgency. So if we see a great opportunity, what are we to do? Are we supposed to walk away until the customer sees […]
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