Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference
This is Dave Brock’s Blog.
It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.
I wrote, “Hyper-Efficiency, The Secret To Sales Success In 2025!” It’s generating interesting discussion, perhaps it’s the thoughtful image I created to illustrate the concept. Jim Barnet asked a fascinating question, I wanted to expand on it. Jim started to talk about it from the customer point of view (certainly a novel approach). As we continue to strive for hyper-efficiency, figuring out how we get more and more accomplished within a certain period of time, our customers are at least 2 steps ahead of us in their efficiency efforts. Perhaps, they have achieved “Ultimate Efficiency!” We continue to struggle to […]
Read MoreThere’s a lot of discussion about sales managers and leaders. We tend to conflate these concepts, using them interchangeably. In reality there is a wide chasm between leadership and management. And I have been guilty in conflating these terms–and this is sloppiness. I woke up to this, today, reading an article, proclaiming the death of sales managers. The author went through a huge number of things where AI or other things could do the majority of the job of sales managers. There were more errors in the list than correct assessments. One of the claims, AI will be a better […]
Read MoreI’m relieved to learn that all we need to do to be successful in 2025 is to become hyper-efficient! We still have 11 months to go, imagine how much we can accomplish. OK, OK, you know how deeply my tongue is planted in my cheek. For close to two decades, we’ve been driven by a scaling philosophy, stated differently, a volume, velocity approach to selling. We’ve developed all the math equations to support this philosophy, then adapted the basic strategy over time. The original volume velocity philosophy was very straight forward. Want to grow 100% in the coming year? The […]
Read MoreBlinders restrict our fields of vision. Sometimes, blinders are helpful, perhaps necessary. When we need to focus intensely, minimizing distractions, blinders are very helpful. Imagine a founder, building an innovative new product, Purposely putting on blinders, eliminating distractions, perhaps ignoring naysayers can be critical to the successful launch of the product. Or if we are launching a major new initiative in our GTM strategies. Putting on blinders, temporarily, increases our focus and ability to implement and execute a strategy. Even something like writing this post, I have to close every other window on my computer, even turn off the music […]
Read MoreThose of you who know that I live in California might be thinking, “Has Dave been impacted by the fires?” I’m in Northern CA, we do worry about fires (I have my go bag and lists at the ready), but I’m not directly impacted by the tragedy we see in Southern CA. This post is about the firefighting each of us seems to get sucked into every day. It was sparked, so to speak, by an email from the CRO of a client. We had a meeting scheduled to discuss a major strategic transformation she was guiding her team through. […]
Read MoreOver the past several weeks, I’ve been involved in a number of very disparate conversations. Mostly, focused on various aspects of our business, GTM, selling and other strategies. They all tended to look at various issues around performance, how we attract and engage customers, how we service and develop them. While each one of them has been fascinating, there has been a common underlying theme in all of them. And it’s made me extremely uncomfortable. I’ve started having conversations about this with a number of close friends and colleagues. “Are they seeing similar things? Are they as uncomfortable with what […]
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