Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference
This is Dave Brock’s Blog.
It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.
Today I received a prospecting email, something about it seemed familiar. I did a quick search through my email archive (I save this stuff, it’s such great fodder for blog posts). Sure enough, 90 days ago, I received the exact same email from the same person. And 90 days before that, I received the same email form the same person. And 90 days before that, ……. For each of the prior emails, I had actually responded. My first response thanked the sender for the outreach, but I explained why we wouldn’t be interested (What they sold didn’t fit our business […]
Read MoreForecasting is important to our business, we spend a lot of time (often too much) on forecasts. But too often, we get forecasting wrong. Some observations: We strive for forecast accuracy, but we will never be perfectly accurate. Even the dictionary calls it a prediction or an estimate. Yet we waste a lot of time trying to achieve levels of accuracy that are unreasonable. The forecast is a prediction of revenue/orders we expect to get in a period of time. Managers and others in the business are anxious to know where we will be in terms of expected revenue or […]
Read MoreJust a quick book recommendation, On Tyranny, Twenty Lessons From The Twentieth Century, by Timothy Snyder. It’s a fascinating read, not just because of his take on current politics. He looks at how the roots of what we see happening in the US (and the world) can be analyzed against similar things that have happened in global politics throughout the past century. But, looking beyond that, I was fascinated about the applicability of his lessons outside of politics–to business, and to our social interactions. For me, applying those lessons to how businesses grow and thrive, what drives them to succeed […]
Read MoreWarning To Readers: You may want to be careful in reading this. Apparently, I’m inauthentic. I have been identified as inauthentic for the sole reason that I have written a book. It’s somewhat a surprise to me, I didn’t think writing a book caused me to become inauthentic. I worry about the thousands of authors, probably the majority of which believed in their own authenticity. While many books I read, I disagree with, somehow, I seldom doubt the authenticity of the authors. If you are choosing to continue to read, knowing that I am inauthentic, I’ll wonder out loud about […]
Read MoreI got a call from one of the most inspiring leaders I know: “Dave, I’m so frustrated, I have a vision for what we could be doing to grow the business, I think we can achieve so much more than we are–we are making our numbers. But we can do so much more, I can’t get people to move forward!” What this leader faced is, probably, the root challenge of all leaders. Leaders tend to have a great vision, sometimes an inspiring vision, and the challenge is, “How do we get everyone in the organization share that vision with the […]
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