Today, we opened the doors on Phase Two of the Top Sales Experts project, and we added a number of new resources, which we have in fact been working on for a number of months. We very much hope that you will want to be part of this forward thinking initiative and join us as we aim to create the most significant online sales orientated location available.
Please allow me to provide you with all the details:
First of all, what is TSE?
TSE stands for Top Sales Experts, a collective of just 60 globally recognised sales gurus.
It sounds like a large number, but when you remember that there are 14 million salespeople in North America alone, it does not sound so big and we are serving front-line sales professionals and sales leaders all around the world.
Because you are associated with one of the Experts on the TSE team, you are invited to become a founding member for just $25.
Here’s what you’ll receive:
TSE “Ask the Experts” … a safe place to submit sales-related questions that you need answering…and to receive real, practical, easy-to-implement solutions from 60 of the world’s Top Experts.
TSE Forums…. An opportunity to connect with sales professionals and sales leaders around the world from a multitude of industries
TSE Webinars – hundreds of topics addressed by dozens of top sales experts, delivered to you via downloadable Webinars.(When these are opened to the public they will pay $69.50 per session – but you access them FREE with your membership)
TSE Roundtables On February 24th, we are going to do something completely different. Four of the world’s top sales gurus, will gather together to present timely, relevant, and specific advice, all in one 90-minute online-show. Each TSE Roundtable addresses issues being faced by sales professionals everywhere. As we face up to the severest economic downturn ever, we plan to run one Roundtable every month. (Your colleagues may join us for a cost of $69.50 per roundtable, yet this is an exclusive, FREE privilege with your membership).
TSE “Article Vault” … where the best thoughts of each expert are catalogued by subject…so you have access to valuable information and solutions having to do with specific topics, at the click of a mouse …a sales library at your finger tips, saving you considerable time and money!
TSE “Library of How to Guides” … important online guides that address every conceivable aspect of selling including (but not limited to!) … nuances of negotiation … subtleties of sales presentations … powerful closing tips and much more.
TSE “Interactive Assessments” … interactive tools that you can take online. These are set up to score your results behind the scenes and to provide your results instantly … allowing you to quickly identify your strengths and capitalize on them immediately! ( yet another exclusive FREE service to TSE members)
“TSE Daily Audio”… every day, Monday through Friday check your Inbox daily for your special link to 10-15 minutes of expert sales instruction provided in MP3 format … use it for repeated listening throughout the day … turn your drive time, train time, workouts at the gym, into your private mini-sales-university! (Normally $99 month to those on the outside)
TSE “E-book Corner” … a huge selection of ebooks written by experts as they drill-down on topics.(These sell for $19 per ebook except to members who get them FREE )
TSE “Quarterly TSE Ebook” … a remarkable, well-organized, rich-in-content ebook where our experts each contribute one new article – fresh material that you see before anyone else. (An impressive ebook that sets a new standard $99 value but for members of TSE these volumes are FREE )
TSE “Podcasts” Within this section, we will be offering you a wide selection of Podcasts that have been recorded by the Top Sales Experts team($29 value once again yours for FREE when you join TSE)
AND Special “Members Only” 25% DISCOUNTS ON:
Annual Hardback of Quarterly ebooks
TSE Store
TSE Sales Team Assessments
Finally: When you enroll you also get … a big bundle of free gifts … that’s more than $2,000 of free gifts from the TSE experts for you!
I do, very much hope you will join us – you can sign-up here.

Tried to sign up using the link above and was denied access. You may want to check the link.
Todd, that was an old post. Apparently the original link no longer exists. Sorry you had a problem with it. Regards, Dave