Forgive me for diverting from my normal commentary on business, leadership, sales, marketing, and customer experience. I hardly feel qualified to speak about politics. Yet, I’m a proud American Citizen, and feel I can no longer remain silent.
I’m ashamed of our government. It’s a horrible thing for anyone to express about their government–particularly when they are elected officials. But I’m sick and tired of the pettiness, bullying, taunting, selfish, and childish behaviors we see in our government.
It’s not just the Executive Office, but also, of our senators, congress people, and many of the bureaucrats in all parts of the government. My shame is not limited to those representing a specific political party. Republicans, Democrats, Independents are equally at fault.
We seem to have reached an extreme, it didn’t start on January 20, 2017, but seems to have accelerated since then. It’s been something that has been getting increasingly worse over years and is not just attributable to partisan politics.
What makes America and Americans great is our openness to ideas, culture, diversity, beliefs, religion, gender, race, and people. We have been a country focused on inclusion rather than exclusion. Inherently, the “national mindset” has been a growth oriented mindset, not a closed mindset.
As a nation, we have collectively tried to focus on doing what is right, even when as individuals, it may be different from what we want.
Our country was founded with these principles. We stumble mightily in practicing them, and every once in a while lose sight of them.
Over time, we somehow find our way back. We learn to listen openly to different points of view. We recognize where we may have been wrong and change our positions, all striving to get better, to improve the lives of our citizens, and the people who live in our country. We strive to set an example for others in the world to be more open, to be more inclusive, to help make the lives of people in other countries better.
It’s a fairly simple set of principles established by our founding fathers; sometimes tested, but we always come back to these basic principles. Our ability to come together, despite our differences, despite the challenges, has always been what makes America great. Our tolerance of differences and recognition they these differences enable us to learn and improve is what makes America great.
Yet our government, egged on by the media, seem to have lost this idea. Our leaders in government seemed to have lost willingness to understand differences, to be open to other points of view, to engage in new ideas. Our leaders seem to have lost the willingness to engage each other in order to reconcile these differences, to seek common ground and together arrive at a better solution. They are not displaying the characteristics and behaviors of what makes America and Americans great. Collectively, their mindsets seem to have become closed, when out times demand open/growth mindsets.
Daily we see our leaders exhibit behaviors that would not be tolerated from our children. We see bullying from all sides. We see taunting, stubborn blindness, pettiness, conceit and selfishness. We see leaders who are unwilling to listen to differing views, who only care about those who share their opinions and views.
Instead of getting together to solve problems, they boycott, exclude, stamp their feet in stubborn resistance, resorting to name calling and taunts. The daily temper tantrums, preening for attention and approval is not what one expects from mature adults, let along our leaders.
Even worse, this unacceptable behavior is infecting our society. Daily, we see people, lashing out at each other, declaring the other wrong, portraying other un-American (when ironically, it’s our differences that make us very American). They mirror the unacceptable behaviors of our leaders, failing to listen, understand, learn, reconcile; they are consumed with intolerance and their own points of view.
Fortunately, I believe this is not representative of the majority of Americans. America and Americans are great, but greatness can’t be assumed, we always have to work for it, we have to learn and grow. Unfortunately, our leaders have not chosen greatness, instead focusing on selfishness and pettiness.
But they work for us. I, and I hope you, can no longer sit idly, watching or complaining. We need to be phoning and talking to our elected representatives frequently. Making sure they understand the shame we feel with their behavior, making sure they understand it is unacceptable to continue.
Whatever side of the issues you are on, we need our leaders to understand it is their jobs to come together and openly discuss, resolve, and move forward together. We need to make sure they know they are expected to display the behaviors of what makes America and Americans great. We need to make sure they understand that we expect them to continue doing the things that have made America great and bring out the greatness in all of us.
As ashamed as I am of the behaviors of our governmental leaders, I don’t despair. I realize this is a huge opportunity for me, and for any who sit passively, to be more actively engaged in directing our leaders and to continue to show the greatness we possess as Americans. Perhaps, the greatest learning from what’s going on, is that as citizens, we can’t sit idly hoping our elected officials will do the right thing. We have to be actively engaged in directing them to serve us and not themselves.
No single leader, or our collected elected/appointed representatives can, “make America great.” We are great through the collected actions and engagement of our 300 million people. We will continue to build our greatness through our collective actions and contributions. And through our collective example, other nations and people will be inspired to achieve their own greatness.
In my opinion, what makes America great is expressed at our founding as a nation.
The promise of “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happines”…
Not the culture of Death, Tyrany and the government’s definition and allotment of happiness.
Our citizens, in government and in their private lives, need to dedicate themselves and fight for these fundentmenal goals.
Thanks Peter.
David, about 2 years ago I listened to a Subcommittee Hearing from the California Assembly. Streamed live over the internet.
The hearing was on a new regulation in franchising.
The participants were very professional, and knew exactly what they had to know to debate the regulation.
On the other hand, because 70,000 people found it necessary to elect a combination of Archie Bunker & Chauncey Gardiner as your Chief Executive at the Federal level, all of your political institutions are going be stressed tested.
I hope you make it through. Good luck.
Thanks Mike
Well said David. Your words echo a silent majority that bring their children up to have openness, emphathy for our fellow human beings in this fragile world of ours, be respectful even when others are less civil. I admire our flawed leaders who still follow a principle of service to others so less fortunate than them. David, I am with you as is so many of our fellow sales professionals who love working in this great country. I am an immigrant and naturalized citizen by choice.
Thanks for the comment Paul. In some sense what has been happening is very good. It’s a huge wake up call for everyone. We can no longer take things for granted, we must hold our elected officials accountable for doing things right and for doing the right thing.
I know I had fallen into a trap of complacency or ambivalence–periodically interupted by elections. I will no longer take for granted what is precious to each of us.
Thanks, Dave, for sharing this!
For me as a German, it’s particularly hard to observe what’s going on in the US. Thanks for raising your voice!
Thanks Tamara. At least 50% of our clients are outside the US. You can’t believe the number of conversations I have with them. They are calling, concerned about what’s happening and it’s impact on the global community. Isolationism is no longer an answer (if it ever was). We live in a global community and have to be responsible global citizens.
What happened to land of the free? We have empowered individuals to make claims and decisions that are so self serving I no longer believe that anyone in power has the good of all citizens to be their prime focus. Shame on all of us that have allowed this to happen. I am 84 and regret not being more active in the political arena. I am a retired educator and
always taught my students to put kindness and empathy in play when making important decisions. Shame on me and others who have allowed our country to have reached the current situation we find ourselves in.
Mary Ann: That post was written in February 2017. It’s stunning, saddening, and frustrating to see how relevant it is today. Thanks for your caring and comment.