Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference
This is Dave Brock’s Blog.
It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.
Clients and colleagues frequently ask my opinion of people they are considering hiring. It’s often a request, “Dave, what do you think of each of these candidates? Who would you hire?” And the requests are accompanied with resumes, each extolling the fantastic accomplishments the candidate has achieved through their career. When asked this, I always reply, “What are you looking for?” The responses are always the same, “I want a high performer for this role…….” The roles vary, I’m asked my opinion on CRO Candidates, VPs, managers, Account Managers, and others. While I never respond with my knee jerk reaction, […]
Read MoreThis question was posed in an email I received recently. It struck me, for a number of reasons. People who know me well, sometimes ask, “Dave, why do your work so hard! You certainly don’t need the money, but you continue to be one of the busiest people I know. What causes you to keep it up? Why don’t you take more time off?” The response has been the same over all the years people have asked that question. It’s always been this, “I get up every morning and do my hobby. I have the privilege of working with some […]
Read MoreThis is a bit of a tough post for many readers who are leaders. It forces them to reflect on your own capabilities and those of the management teams they lead. A key question, “When reflecting on your own capabilities, and those of the managers on your team, are you ‘A Players?’” Be honest with yourself, if you aren’t you can develop, more later. Why is this such an important question? The answer is pretty simple, in maximizing the performance of their teams, leaders must be top performers, themselves. If they aren’t, then their ability to drive the highest levels […]
Read MoreYeah, yeah, I know you are thinking, “What a downer Dave! Can’t you write about something more inspiring like plummeting win rates….?” I don’t know if it’s the time of year, you know a kind of “out with the bad” mindset, or a reflection of something else, but I’ve been involved in a number of discussion about PIPs—Performance Improvement Plans. Virtually all of us have been exposed to these in some way. We’ve been the subject of PIPs, we’ve inflicted them on our people, or we’ve commiserated with colleagues going through the process. And 99% of the PIP processes I’ve […]
Read MoreNo, I’m not doing a review of Tim Ferris’ “The 4 Hour Work Week,” 17 years after it’s original publication. But if you haven’t read it, it’s a fascinating read. I’m imagining the end game of all the productivity and efficiency hacks I see filling my feeds. My feeds are filled with expert advice about how we become much more efficient, how we get more done in the same amount of time or less. For years, there have been hints, tips, technologies. How we can launch 1000s of “hyper personalized emails” in 15 minutes or less. How we leverage dialers […]
Read MoreI had a fascinating conversation today. It was with an entrepreneur doing fascinating things in leveraging AI, data, analytics to help his customers. He had a number customers, including some thought leaders and opinion shapers in his markets. As we were discussing the problem he solved, he spoke in terms of data quality, currency, data analytics, reporting. It was clear that what he did had a very high impact on his customers. As we spoke, I asked, “Is the way your customers talk about the problem the same way you talk about it? Do they describe it in terms of […]
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