Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Investing In Developing Your People

By David Brock | April 24, 2008

It seems fewer and fewer organizations invest in developing and retaining their people. Too often, people seem to be viewed as commodities. It is great to see executives recognize this and are taking action to improve performance.A client, Sean Harrigan, Senior Vice President of Sales for Laird Technologies, is one of those rare executives. There is a great article about what he is doing in Workforce Management.I’m convinced the strategies Sean is implementing are critical to sustaining performance and growth in any organization.

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Keeping Priorities Straight

By David Brock | April 8, 2008

Reading the New York Times article: Keeping Priorities Straight, Even At The End , I was reminded about the related story I read last Fall. I am inspired by the courage, perspecitve and humor of Randy Pausch, a professor at Carnegie Mellon. Dr. Pausch is dying of Pancreatic Cancer. Last September, he delivered is “final lecture” on Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams. I’ve watched the lecture and read the transcript. It is inspirational. It’s not a lecture about cancer or dying, it’s a lecture about living a full life. It’s a fun and genuinely interesting talk, certainly worthwhile reading/watching. The […]

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Guilty As Charged

By David Brock | April 3, 2008

Email is both a wonderful tool and something that can get in the way of effective communications. Too often, we —- I plead guilty in this case —– use email when a direct conversation is more appropriate. Somehow email is so easy, in a few seconds, I can send a missile across the world. I can hit as many targets as choose, then I can run and hide. All of it is too easy, and is probably not great for effective communications. Yesterday, I noticed, I sent a colleague an email message, I got an immediate email response, to which […]

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Challenging Idea

By David Brock | March 29, 2008

I liked this sentiment and thought it important to post: We can change the world by changing how we choose to look at the world. Enough said.

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Auto Manufacturers and Dealers — Will They Ever Learn?

By David Brock | March 28, 2008

Every few years, I subject myself to one of the most frustrating experiences a consumer can ever go through, I buy a new car. I’ve been buying cars for too many years, and the experience is always terrible. After every dealer visit, I feel like I have to take a shower to clean the slime away. As a side note, before I get into my rant, a number of years ago, I wrote an article on the same topic. it was called “The Ultimate Buying Experience,” a tongue in cheek take off on the advertising theme of a large German […]

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What You Stop Is Important

By David Brock | March 26, 2008

Everyone I encounter, professionally and personally, has more on their plates than they could possibly accomplish. In virtually every business, organizations are trying to do more, with fewer resources and people, in shorter periods of time. That seems to leak over into our personal lives, with each of us over committing to each other. At some point, you start seeing very dis functional behaviors: Stress levels high, tempers short, people unhappy, people frustrated, fingers pointing, blame being passed and so forth. I’m working with one large organization that has undergone a series of severe resource cutbacks over the past 2 […]

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