Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Are You Selling Within Your Own Company?

By David Brock | January 14, 2010

Anthony Iannarino’s post on Selling Inside reminded me of some great advice a mentor gave early in my sales career at IBM.  He said, “Sometimes you have to sell stronger within your own company than you do with the customer.” It took me a while to understand that, but it’s been important throughout my career.  As sales people, we are driven to connect with our customers and to get them to buy our products.  There are few areas that I know of where we can do this as lone gunslingers.  Most every sales professional I know relies on strong support […]

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Doing Your Homework!

By David Brock | January 12, 2010

This is one of those blogs where I get on my soap box and rant a little bit.  I got off the phone with a sales person–someone who came highly recommended by a colleague.  We had set the call up some time ago.  He had sent me some introductory information about his company and product, and we had our call. After we went through what appeared to be the obligatory two questions (How are you?  Did you get a chance to review the materials I sent you?), he went into heavy duty product selling mode.  I suppose I was a […]

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Sales Smack, Talk Shoe, and Other Topics

By David Brock | January 11, 2010

This post is to let you know about a couple of interesting things coming up. My friend, Jim Keenan, has started an interesting event, Sales Smack.  It is an open discussion of issues important to sales professionals.  Jim has honored me by asking me to participate in the discussions. The goal is to have a discussion every 2 weeks, at 7:00 PM Eastern.  Each session, we will have a variety of participants and will be tackling a different topic.  Tomorrow, January 12, the inaugural session will discuss, “Is Sales Responsible For A Company’s Growth.”  As you might expect, I preparing […]

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The Commoditization Of Relationships

By David Brock | January 7, 2010

The other day, I was having breakfast with a great friend, one of the most talented marketing executives I have encountered.  Unwittingly, we had the same thought on our minds, ending up talking through breakfast—unfortunately, with no good ideas on dealing with it.  Thought I would share it here, getting your views about the issue. Both of us are very active, both individually and with our respective companies in leveraging social media/networking tools, many of the marketing automation, Sales/Web 2.0 tools, and other tools.  We each are also on the receiving end of seemingly endless communications, through email, the various […]

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Happy New Year — A Moment Of Reflection Before We Start

By David Brock | January 1, 2010

Well, it’s 2010, a New Year!  We have put 2009 behind us, and as we are prone to do, forget the lessons we learned or things we discovered. Before rushing into the New Year, take time this weekend to reflect.  Do a couple of things to inspire yourself: Read Seth Godin’s eBook:  What Matters Now.  It’s a great collection of short articles on all sorts of different perspectives.  It’s great food for thought as you think about what you want to achieve for the new year. Then take the time to think about how you can Make A Difference.  My […]

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Thank You And Best Wishes For 2010!

By David Brock | December 30, 2009

The New Year is around the corner.  Before we launch into the New Year, forgetting 2009, I want to take a moment to thank my readers.  Sometimes, when I write, I wonder if anyone is reading, and if I am making a difference.  Thanks to your graciousness and generosity, I never have to wonder long. I get hundreds of comments and emails commenting on my various posts.  At times, it’s disagreement–I actually like those.  It gives me a chance to rethink things and consider different points of view.  There are others, those of you who offer better insight into an […]

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