Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference
This is Dave Brock’s Blog.
It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.
Everyone is time poor. We have too much on our plates–more than we possibly can accomplish. We’re inundated with emails, messages, phone calls, meetings. The growth of our “To-Do” lists far outpaces out “Completed” lists. In attempts to bring sanity and manageability into our lives, we leverage all sorts of tools and techniques to improve our efficiency. Too often, over time, our quest for efficiency makes us very efficient–that is we get a lot of activities done–but has an adverse impact on our results. We get caught up in endless emails streams–back and forth, back and forth, ping, pong…….., yet […]
Read MoreI’ve been writing about “teaching our customers” these days. To often, what I see of teaching is a more advanced form of a pitch. Rather than pitching our products, we are now pitching business issues the customer should be concerned about. Perhaps they are trends in the industry, opportunities they may be missing, opportunities for them to improve their operations. I suppose there is some merit to this, at least we are talking about the customers’ issues and not about our products. But too often, they don’t translate to collaborative discussions, shared learning, and taking action with the customer. It’s also curious, that we seem to […]
Read MoreI saw a brilliant video by Tom Peters, Innovation: Angry People Make Change, be sure to watch it. Being pissed off, angry, impatient is an important concept around success–particularly in sales. Now before some of you jump all over me, these concepts represent a double edged sword. We have to harness the positive, or constructive aspects of these characteristics if we are to be successful. The negative, destructive aspects are a sure path to failure. I think so much of what causes us–and our customers to fail to achieve our potential is that we aren’t pissed off. Sure we may be annoyed, hassled, […]
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