Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference
This is Dave Brock’s Blog.
It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.
Over the past weeks, I’ve been arguing against mindless scripts being executed mindlessly. But what happens if the script works? Recently, I responded to an email, get the inevitable call, the SDR opens with “We can help with your performance measurement issues…..” I wasn’t sure I had any performance measurement issues, but was interested in learning more. I had described our key metrics and asked, “What should we be doing differently?” The sales person had, apparently, been prepped for that, saying, “You need more KPI’s and you need them in real time.” I asked, “Why?” The rep paused, “I can arrange […]
Read MoreIt may be that time of year. or maybe I’m just more aware of it, but it seems that too many sales managers are focused on killing the sales organization. Researchers constantly remind us that buying is changing, that buyers prefer to minimize contact with sales, reducing it to the last 20-43% of their buying process. They give us feedback from customers: “They don’t understand my problem, they talk about their products, they don’t care about what we are trying to do….” The lists go on. The inevitable conclusion of these reports is that buying is changing, customers have better […]
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