Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference
This is Dave Brock’s Blog.
It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.
We discuss accountability a lot, but do we really understand what it is, are we agreed on what it is? As I started to write this post, I went to the dictionary. Frankly, it wasn’t helpful. Merriam Webster’s definition was, in fact, more confusing than helpful: Definition of accountability: the quality or state of being accountable. Especially: an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’s actions. Responsibility and accountability may overlap a little, but are different. I prefer the following as a definition of accountability: Ownership of your commitments and doing what you commit to do. […]
Read MoreA reader wrote me, “Dave do you think sales enablement professionals need selling experience?” It’s a follow on to many of the discussions about “Do sales managers need sales experience?” My immediate reaction to both those questions was “HELL YEAH!!!!” My mind went to all the supporting arguments, things like: How do they possibly understand what sellers face, without having done the job themselves? Why would sellers pay attention if they didn’t recognize that sales enablement professionals and manager had credibility, based on their personal experience? Why would sellers believe them, if they hadn’t “been there, done that.” And I […]
Read MoreMy social feeds are filled with advice and tips proclaiming, “If you just do this, you will blow away your quotas and max your comp plan!” Many of these seem to be focusing on that very first conversation with the customer. “Just use a pattern interrupt….” “Say these words….” “Do these sequences….” There are others, focusing on specific objections, others may address closing, or how to handle the demo. There are techniques or tactics that have worked for these “experts.” And, according to them, doing this is “guaranteed to work for you.” And then people go out doing this, all […]
Read MoreI read an article, “In Search Of The Frictionless Organization.” While some of the basic ideas about creating great customer experience by “eliminating friction,” are very good, I think the concept of eliminating friction demonstrates a huge misunderstanding of friction and how important it is. First, what is friction? In science, friction is “the force resisting the relative motion of solid surfaces, fluid layers, and material elements sliding against each other.” In the physical world, without friction, most movement would be impossible. Without friction, things would move in the same direction forever–change would be impossible without some other force creating […]
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