Just a few things to focus on this week:
For those of you who have followed me for some time, you know one of my pet causes is Water–that is providing clean palatable water to everyone in the world. Every December, I run a major campaign raising money for Charity:Water. I really like their programs, 100% of the money goes to water projects in developing countries. The campaign ran through mid March. I had set a goal this year of raising $8500. We ended up raising $9,535! In total, over the past few years, we’ve raised well over $30K and have provided wells serving several 1000 people around the world. For those of you who have contributed, thank you so much. For those of you looking to make a difference, I can’t recommend Charity:Water more highly.
One of the most articulate writers and thinkers in sales is Jack Malcolm. I reread a very old post of his that covers a number of great issues about out mindsets, what holds us back in our development, and how we can grow. Read his post The Talent That Really Matters.
His post led me to a fascinating research paper: The Role Of Deliberate Practice In The Acquisition Of Expert Performance. We’ve all read various versions of the 10,000 hour rule, that is it takes 10,000 hours of deliberate practice to achieve mastery in anything. This paper presents the original research that much of this is based on. It’s a little tough going, but a fascinating read. (At least read the introduction and conclusions.)
I completed When Breath Becomes Air by Dr. Paul Kalanithi. Profound and moving!
On April 7-8, I’m attending Topo’s Sales Summit in San Francisco. Based on my conversations with Craig Rosenberg (@Funnelholic), I think it will be one of the best sales focused conferences of the year. The agenda is comprised only of Practitioners. Craig tells me there are only a few spaces left, but consider attending.
In Case You Missed:
It probably is a little self serving, but there are two posts I wrote this week that I think are particularly important (not that you don’t hang on every word I write;-)
Is Your Prospecting Call Relevant?
If You Take Away Your Products, What’s Left?
I’ve been starting to use Slack as a collaboration tool with many of our client projects. It’s very powerful and offers more flexibility than a LinkedIn Group or a website. I’m thinking of starting a couple of quasi-Mastermind or discussion groups leveraging Slack. It would be the “free” version.
The two groups will be: 1. A group focused on discussing and expanding on my new book, Sales Managers Survival Guide (release late May), 2. Discussion on critical thinking, particularly applied to sales.
Are any of you interested in something like these?
I started Bits And Pieces several weeks ago. The purpose was to share brief ideas, things I’m reading or studying, ideas, I’d love your perspectives. I’ve gotten great feedback on this. Thanks and keep it up. I learn a lot from you suggestions and ideas.
Congratulations Dave on your great work.
Giving water, clean water, to the thirsty is one of the greatest corporal mercies, and giving is one of the best roads to happiness.
You remind our Sales profession, that together we can accomplish so much more than on our own. I hope that some of our great Sales Teams are moved to join with you and help support Charity:Water
Best wishes, and thanks for a truly human Sales Blog
Thanks so much Brian! I know you are similarly focused, having a huge impact with what you do. It’s critical for our selves, the communities we live in, and the world, that each of us chooses an area where we can make a difference.