Some of you may be seeing something VERY NEW as you are reading this post. We’ve moved the site out of the Stone Ages, into more modern times.
We’ve completely redone the blog site. For many of you that struggled so patiently with the old site, thank you for your patience! Things here are actually working! You can sign up for newsletters add comments, do everything you would expect to do in a modern website!
It was my lack of attention that created such an unpleasant experience. I’ve been so busy that I just wasn’t paying attention to the problems in the website. I kept applying quick fixes, which all eventually crashed and burned. (And you know how I rant against people doing quick fixes in selling and business.)
So, that’s all in the past.
Let me introduce you to the NEW and VERY MUCH IMPROVED site!
You’ll notice it’s no longer just a blog site. I wanted to provide a huge number of resources to help you. There are over 3000 blog posts. There is a lot of video and audio content. Some from programs that I’ve conducted, some are interviews/webcasts I’ve participated in. And I will be adding quite a bit to these resources! One of the new areas is our livecasting. Currently, you can see Aaron Evans and me every second Wednesday. Our next one is January 4, 2023 @1600 GMT, 1100 EST, 0800 PST. You can also see the past livecasts archived there.
You will see a different organization of the site under the Services Tab. Partners In EXCELLENCE has been focusing on thought leadership and helping clients in four major spaces: Innovation, Leadership, Performance, And Transformation. You will see special resources on each of those pages. Right now you see blogs and videos, but we will soon be launching some unique tools, training, and other programs in each of those categories. So stay tuned!
There is so much more to come!
As with any new site, there may be a few glitches. Fortunately, I have a fantastic team taking care of those things, so they will be immediately addressed. If you have ideas, let us know. If you like the site, tell others it’s now safe to come back to and sign up for the newsletter!
I would be remiss, if I didn’t thank the team making this possible: Rainmaker Digital Services. Ed, Katy, and the rest of the team, Thank You!
So how’s that for a Hanukkah, Christmas, New Year Present? In truth, it’s more a present for me, the previous site was impossible.
Now you will have a much better user experience and we will have the capability of delivering far richer content, tools, training, and materials.
Finally, I wish each of you and your families the very best for the Holidays and New Year!
Can’t wait