Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference
This is Dave Brock’s Blog.
It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.
Actually, I’m surprised it’s taken this long. People, including me, have been experimenting with ChatGPT. It’s an exciting tool, offering interesting potential. But, I’ve been waiting for the people to exploit this tool to fill our inboxes and feeds with “junk.” And we are starting to see the “experts/gurus” giving advice about how ChatGPT can be used to generate more and more content. These experts offer us the magic tricks to get ChatGPT to generate endless content with which to fill inboxes. So I decided to do an experiment: Dave asks ChatGPT: “What are different questions I could be asking […]
Read MoreThis is Pop Quiz, answer these two questions—choose any of your important customers to think about the answers: How does your customer make money? How do your customers think? These are two fundamental questions–they are what dominates your customers’ thinking. To engage our customers in business relevant conversations, we have to be able to answer and talk about these two questions. Some of you may be thinking, “Dave, this is easy, they sell stuff and get revenues from those sales……” But that doesn’t answer the question of, “How do customers make money?” There are hundreds of things the customers must […]
Read MoreI was struck by a post by Steve Hall on LinkedIn. Steve and I share a similar sense of humor and perspectives on selling. It’s funny, over the years, I never really heard a lot of complaining about how tough selling is, at least until recently. Of course, we have always been morally obligated to whine about our quotas when they are assigned. We are should be disappointed when we lose a deal that we have worked so hard on. We get frustrated when we are trying to make things happen, but they don’t. We get impatient with what seems […]
Read MoreWe seem to be in a continued death spiral with our customer engagement strategies. I recently read a post, Why Buyer Engagement Is Harder Than Ever And 4 Ways To Improve It. While I’m a great fan of Gartner and the research, I had mixed feeling about this post. I guess the best ways to characterize my reactions are: Well Duuugggghhhh…….. And…….. Oh Shit!!! We’ve known, for ages, that Buyers Don’t Want To Talk To Sellers! It’s now up to 72% that prefer a rep-free experience, and I anticipate this to increase in the coming year. We’ve known the number […]
Read MoreIn the past few days, I’ve had several separate conversations with people, basically on business acumen. They were fascinating, but apalling. The lack of knowledge about things that seem so basic to engaging our customers in business relevant conversations is shocking. One very talented Regional VP shared that as he is conducting reviews with his people, he asks a couple of simple questions, “How does this customer make money? How does what you are proposing impact that?” The reactions to this question are fascinating. He’s says most of the time people look at him quizzically, seeming to be thinking, “Why […]
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