Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Dumbing Things Down…..

By Dave Brock | April 5, 2023

As I look at the plethora of tools we leverage to engage customers and each other, I worry. While they are intended to help us accomplish more. They are intended to help us, make us more efficient, eliminate some of the work we have to do, Instead, I wonder if they are dumbing us down. We have tools that present everything about the customer to us—the financial performance of the company, performance relative to the market, key issues facing them and their customers. While we have information about them and their performance that took time to develop years ago. But […]

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Am I Ready For This Meeting?

By Dave Brock | April 4, 2023

We spend a huge amount of time getting customers to accept a request for a meeting. Customers are busy. They have an aversion, even a preference, not to talk to sellers. They worry about wasting their time. On our side, we are incredibly busy. We are juggling all sorts of balls, prospecting, managing qualified opportunities in our pipelines, making sure our current customers are happy, doing the endless amount of internal reporting our managers seem to want us to do. The few meetings we can actually get are important and we want to accomplish as much as we can. Recently, […]

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Getting What We Want…..

By Dave Brock | April 3, 2023

We want to achieve our goals—make quota, get the bonus, get the promotion, get the recognition. We want people to act/behave in a certain way. We want to work for a certain company or in a certain role. We want customers to respond to our outreach, to buy our products. The problem with getting what we want is that we are usually dependent on those we work with getting what they want/need. We can’t get the order until the customer determines they must change, they must do things differently. The toughest part of buying is not solutions selection, but it’s […]

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“I’m Trying To Think, But Nothing Happens…..”

By David Brock | March 31, 2023

OK, I confess, every once in a while, when I need to do something completely mindless, I go to YouTube, watching a 3 Stooges clip. There was one scene that played in dozens of variations, it’s a frustrated Curly saying, “I’m trying to think, but nothing happens…..” Too often, in the spirit of improving efficiency and productivity, we seek to eliminate critical thinking and analysis from the work sellers do. We have tools that provide us with research about individuals and organizations. They provide endless amounts of data, we can leverage in our engagement efforts. These tools generate insights, content, […]

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Late To The Party……

By David Brock | March 31, 2023

Have you ever been late to a party? It’s always, at least for me, a little difficult. Arriving late to a party has all sorts of downsides. Probably, to some degree, the hosts are a little disappointed. Perhaps they feel a little disrespect because you didn’t arrive close to the time noted on the invitation. They don’t hold the start of the party until you arrive, they get the party started when they want,  with whoever is there. Arriving late to the party has lots of other downsides. Much of the food, particularly the most popular dishes are gone. You […]

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Digital Buying Intermediaries….

By David Brock | March 30, 2023

We’ve seen a shift in customer buying behaviors over the years. Sales used to be the primary purveyors if information about products, solutions, market changes, trends. Customers couldn’t easily get that information (perhaps trade shows/publications and conferences), so sellers provided that function for buyers. As the web exploded, digital content, search and other digital capabilities enabled buyers to educate themselves through these channels, reducing the need for sales people performing that function. Social platforms extended that capability where buyers could easily learn from each other, sharing information, experiences, and getting insights. Sellers participate in those platforms, using them, with varying […]

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