Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference
This is Dave Brock’s Blog.
It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.
Last week, filling idle time one evening, I decided to conduct an experiment with ChatGPT. Earlier in the day, I had been looking at a ChatGPT led training program for sellers. As part of the program design, it suggested it engaging sellers in role plays. I was curious about how that might work, so I decided to experiment. After describing a potential selling situation, I suggested a role play, where ChatGPT was the seller and I was the customer. You can see my adventures with this role play in ChatGPT As A Seller! See ChatGPT Pitch! It was a fun, […]
Read MoreIn March, 1976, one of the most famous covers of the New Yorker Magazine appeared. It was Saul Steinberg’s, “View Of The World From 9th Avenue.” It represented “New Yorkers’,” more accurately, a “Manhattanites’” view of the world. The cover was a smash hit, posters were published, I think every office in Manhattan had a framed version. When I moved to Manhattan some time later, I had it on my apartment wall. Parodies of the poster started being published. I remember visiting Silicon Valley, and saw the Silicon Valley version, featuring Page Mill Road and Stanford University. As a proud […]
Read MoreIt seems to be human nature to constantly search for shortcuts–or hacks. I’m constantly looking for shortcuts. I explore, “How can I get this done in less time? How can I create this outcome with less work?” A favorite book from years ago was Tim Ferris, “The 4 Day Workweek,” was filled with ideas and shortcuts for all sorts of things. Our social feeds are filled with “experts” offering shortcuts, which we devour, often, implementing blindly. And, too often, these shortcuts fail. They may work for a short time, but they become less effective and we search for another shortcut. […]
Read MoreDaily, I get connection requests from all sorts of people. There are those that promise to bring us 100s of qualified leads if we connect, then buy. There are those that say we have common businesses and interests, but nothing in their profile shows me where that commonality is–and they have never bothered to look at my profile. And there are a lot of genuine connection requests with intriguing people. With many pundits, “Connections” seem to be a bragging right, something akin to, “Mine is bigger than yours….” or “The more the merrier….” What seems to be missing in the […]
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