Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference
This is Dave Brock’s Blog.
It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.
I believe in and support the work of Doctors Without Borders. Today, I received an email, asking to support their winning a $1.5 Million grant from American Express.The process is easy and doesn’t cost you anything other than your time and a vote. Follow the link: Saving The Lives Of Malnourished Children. Follow the instructions and vote for their project!I started this blog on making a difference. Most of the time, I focus on business issues. This is a simple way that each of us can have a profound impact on the lives of children around the world. Please take […]
Read MoreThanks to the Leadership Now Blog for their post on developing and maintaining a sense of urgency. It gives me another soapbox! A sense of urgency is critical to executing any strategy. However, it is important to note that a sense of urgency is different from activity. In John Kotter’s A Sense Of Urgency, he describes much of what is done under the name of speed, urgency, or activity is actually a false urgency which is “unproductive flurry of behavior built on a platform of anxiety and anger.” Kotter describes a true sense of urgency as being externally focused and […]
Read MoreIn past posts and writing, I’ve taken a pretty strong stance on how the concept of value propositions has been misused. Too much of the time, organizations treat it as the static, silver bullet that causes customers to buy. I have argued that value is in the eye of the buyer and to truly present value, sales and marketing professionals need to understand their what their customers value and address those needs specifically. Value is personal, each individual involved in the buying decision is different and the job of sales professionals is to determine and present value for each of […]
Read MoreToday’s New York Times has an interesting essay by Ben Stein entitle, Connected, But Hermetically Sealed. It is nice commentary about how we use technology to seal ourselves off from the real world. Mobile phones, PDA’s Ipod’s, all great technologies that contribute to the quality of our lives also serve to diminish the quality of our lives by isolating us. Imagine, sitting with a group of people, none talking to each other, but all engaged in text messaging as vigorously as possible. Yesterday, on a bike ride, I passed someone saying “Hello” as I passed. They didn’t hear me or […]
Read MoreOver the course of a year, I meet with dozens of companies and hundreds of professionals. In the course of most of our discussions, people are concerned about their business strategies and plans. These “strategy” discussions are wide ranging— they can be about an overall business or organization’s strategy and direction, it can be about developing and launching new products, about partnerships/alliances, about sales and routes to market, or about a specific sales strategy, or a strategy for personal growth. Regardless of the specific “strategic” issue, the discussions are always exciting. There is a lot of creativity, openness in assessing […]
Read MoreYou already know I am a fan of Wally Bock’s Three Star Leadership blog. Today, he had an interesting post entitled “When Fad Things Happen To Good Concepts.” It’s a good post and worth reading. However, I’d like to get on my soapbox on management fads. Everyday, it seems there is a new management fad or trend. These fads will certainly save anyone’s business, giving them the silver bullets to outstanding performance. As P.T. Barnum said, “There’s a sucker born every minute.” Unfortunately, in trying to find out where the fault lies for management by fad, I have to point […]
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