Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Sales People, We’re Certainly A Talkative Bunch

By David Brock | September 15, 2009

I was interested in a Tweet last week from Gerhard Geschwandtner (@gerhard20 in twitter parlance).  Gerhard’s the founder and publisher of Selling Power, and a key voice in the world of sales professionals.  His tweet was important:  @gerhard20 Ditch the pitch. We are in a conversation economy. The sales pitch is dead. I couldn’t agree with him more.  The pitch is dead, professional selling is all about a meaningful dialogue or conversation with the customer.  At least that’s what I’d like to believe.  Except the evidence all points to the contrary. Being a curious type, I decided to go to the authorities:  Google […]

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Do As I Say, Not As I Do

By David Brock | September 11, 2009

It’s hard to practice what we preach.  In honesty, sometimes, I want to just tell people to do as I say, not as I do. It’s so easy and seductive to fall into bad habits.  The press of deadlines, the ever expanding list of to-do’s, the rush of everyday activities.  It starts easily, I start taking short cuts, I start skipping critical steps in our process, I relax my standards, I get caught up in reacting.  Pretty soon, I find the discipline, focus, and process that we preach as critical to success in business has slipped away. Sometimes slipping into “do […]

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It All Starts With The Customer

By David Brock | September 9, 2009

The other day, I was speaking with my friend, Niall Devitt.  He had invited me to speak at a conference focused on the issue:  It All Starts With The Customer.  It seems so simple and obvious, but too many companies have an inside-out approach to working with customers. We tend to focus on our organizations, our products, our processes, our needs, and our policies.  Our efforts are focus on how we attract and motivate customers to buy our products and services.  Our strategies are generally driven by this inside out approach.  We launch products based on an inside out approach—and we fail […]

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The Evolving Role Of The Sales Professional—The Sales Person As Diagnostician

By David Brock | September 6, 2009

We all know the role of sales professionals is changing.  The sales person used to be an important channel to educating and informing customers about products and services.  The wide availability of information on the internet changes this–though it doesn’t eliminate this.  Most customers are more informed about products and services.  They do their homework, searching the internet, leveraging the opinions of others to select a few alternatives they will consider.  What does this mean for sales professionals and their evolving role? Lately, there have been lots of articles, some contributed by yours truly, about Provocative Selling, improving questioning, creating […]

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What Does Carpentry Have To Do With Sales?

By David Brock | September 4, 2009

I’m an unabashed Do It Yourself-er.  I think a large part of it is that I love tools and hanging around hardware stores.  My workshop (that’s what I call that space in my garage) is filled with all sorts of tools.  When I was in college, I started buying tools.  That’s when we were into Carpentry 1.0.  I’d buy the best quality chisels I could find.  I’d buy hammers, saws, levels, everything.  Part of the reason I bought great quality hand tools, is that I worked my way through college as a carpenter.  I learned that good tools, well maintained […]

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We Want Your Feedback!

By David Brock | September 3, 2009

Yesterday, I got an email from a service provider for a Sales 2.0 tool that I rely on for much of our communication with our clients and prospects.  After the typical friendly greeting, I focused on the following: “…we know what great things customer feedback can do for a small business like yours. That’s why we offer an easy-to-use, highly affordable online survey tool.  In fact, we believe gathering feedback is so important, we’re reaching out to gather your thoughts – so that we can continue to bring you the products, services and support you need to succeed.” I knew […]

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