Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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What Happened To The Conversation?

By David Brock | June 27, 2010

This morning, I was out for my morning run around the lake.  Up ahead, I saw a guy approaching, wearing headphones, smiling, head bouncing with the music.  Looked like he was having a great run.  Everyone he passed, he shouted, “Hi!” As he approached me, he shouted, “Hi!”  I responded, “Great day isn’t it?”  He didn’t respond, and continued on.  I was struck by his lack of response and thought about it during the rest of my run.  I realized, that he wasn’t interested in engaging me in a conversation, after all, he was wearing headphones, preferring to listen to […]

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For Sales Success – Everything Passes Through Finance!

By David Brock | June 24, 2010

In Tom Peters’ The Little BIG Things, on Item #46, he makes the point that  “Everything Passes Through Finance.”  It’s such a important, yet too often ignored critical success factor for sales people.  In virtually every situation, Finance is always somehow involved in the sale.  Sometimes, it’s just paying the invoice; other times it’s issuing the PO; and very often, it’s approving the budget and providing the funding. We all know this, but I am continually astounded by the sales people that neither know the key people in their customers’ Finance organizations, nor do they “speak the language.”  It seems if finance […]

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7 Questions You Must Be Able To Answer To Win The Deal!

By David Brock | June 23, 2010

I’m constantly about how few sales people really understand what their customers are buying.  They know what they are selling, but they can’t explain what they are selling it for—that is why the customer is considering buying the solution and the value it creates for them. There are a few fundamental questions the sales person must be able to answer if they want to present their offerings in a way that is compelling and connects with customers: How does it help them grow their business?  That is how will they increase revenues/sales, how will it help them enter new markets, […]

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Call Avoidance

By David Brock | June 21, 2010

I’ve fallen into a trap, it seems my preferred mode of communication is becoming digital–that is, I email, tweet, text.  It’s so fast, convenient.  To tell you the truth, often it’s the most effective.  A lot of our communication is “asynchronous,” or one way.  Often, we just want to let someone know something or give a reminder.  We really don’t need to engage a person in a discussion.  It’s fast, it’s easy, I don’t have to worry about phone tag or voice mail.  In my busy world, I’ve come to rely on these tools as my preferred mode of communication. […]

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Would You Trust This Man? Would You Trust His Company?

By David Brock | June 16, 2010

For the past several weeks, there has been an interesting saga going on in the blog world.  A gentleman named Michael J. Roman has created a great stir.  It would be fantastic if it were about provocative ideas and interesting points of view—in fact it is, the problem is they aren’t his ideas or his points of view, though he presents them as his.  See the controversy he has created is about his lack of respect for other people’s hard work, his disdain for copyright law, and ultimately his disdain of his audience. Michael plagiarizes the best ideas and blogs […]

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High Performance Sales, 10 Things Sales Managers Must Worry About

By David Brock | June 15, 2010

Today, I am a keynote speaker as part of Microsoft’s  and’s Dynamic Business Week Series.  My session is at 10:00 am PDT, join me if you can. The job of the sales manager is very difficult.  It requires constant juggling of priorities and management of contradictions.  The presentation focuses on 1o areas a manager must pay attention to to achieve the highest levels of performance: Customers are changing the way they buy, are you changing the way you sell? Is your sales process current, are you using it? Are you creating value in your customer’s buying process? Do your […]

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