Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Even The Best Of Us Can’t Resist The Urge To Pitch!

By David Brock | May 10, 2010

Recently, I participated in a “discussion,” with a group of people I deeply respect.  All of them were heavy hitters and well respected in their disciplines, I was almost embarrassed to be part of such a distinguished group.  The topic was a discussion about a particular aspect of sales performance management that I am really interested in, I was looking forward to learning some new ideas and approaches in the discussion.  I went to the meeting, the leader started the discussion, and the pitch began.  It turned out, the leader was trying to enlist partners in selling something and acquiring […]

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By David Brock | May 9, 2010

Mother’s Day seems appropriate for a very off topic post.  Blogging gives me great joy.  It’s therapeutic, I get to pontificate about all sorts of things.  When I’m on, I get to learn from my readers, whose comments often provide much more insight than my posts. However recently, unbeknownst to me, I learned that my parents were great fans of my blog, reading it regularly.  I know they knew I blogged, but I had never told them the URL, or anything about how to find it.  Somehow, they navigated Google, found the blog, navigated the complexities of RSS feeds, discovered […]

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Getting Personal About Metrics

By David Brock | May 9, 2010

Sales managers spend a lot of time talking about metrics.  They measure everything–some good, some over measured, but some micromanaged.  There’s a lot of focus in the Sales 2.0 world about metrics, but again, most of the discussion is how to help sales managers.  It’s time to shift the discussion to sales professionals–individual contributors. Yes, we’re all used to being measured, that’s part of what makes us sales people.  At any point in time, we know (or pretend to know), where we are in our quota attainment.  We always focus on “The Number.”  Making the number is the end game, […]

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Is Sales Getting Soft?

By David Brock | May 3, 2010

Many regular readers may be a little surprised about this post.  I’ve been very vocal about sales being consultative, customer focused, and creating value for the customer in their buying process.  I’ve been (and continue) to be very much against the old line “hard sell” tactics. Having said all that, over the past few months, there has been too much discussion that leads me to believe that we may be getting so oblique in the way we describe what we do.  First, there’s the name sensitivity.  It’s hard to find anyone with the title “Sales Person” on their business card.  […]

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It’s So Simple, I Don’t Know What To Buy!

By David Brock | April 30, 2010

Disaster struck this morning, went to the office and the network was down.  Technical guy that I am, I went through my diagnostics, called my ISP and started yelling at customer service  (It always seems to be their fault).  Ooops, turns out my router was the problem, had to go get a new one. As soon as their doors opened, I shot to the section of the store marked “Networking” and was confronted by a wide array of brands and choices.  The guy in the store came up and asked if I needed help, “Absolutely not, I’m cool with this […]

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Waiting It Out Is Not A Strategy For Success!

By David Brock | April 28, 2010

I have to admit to being a little bit more than impatient–my wife says I have to be more tolerant.  But there are conversations that just drive me up the wall—-“We’ll just wait it out” is one of those conversations that drives me crazy. Over the past couple of years, I’ve heard that about the economy, “Things will get back to normal, we’ll have to wait it out.”  But I hear it about all sorts of thing—major changes within a company; we don’t have the right products now, but new products are around the corner; our customer is going to […]

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