Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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The Sales Call

By David Brock | March 19, 2011

I’m at my desk, the phone rings, I answer, “Hello, this is Dave Brock.” At the other end of the line, in a pleasant voice, “Hi this is So and So.  I’m an account manager at Such and Such Business Banking.  I’m sure you have your banking needs covered, but…..” “Yes we do,” I answer, “thank you for calling, good bye.” As I hung up, I wondered, why would anyone ever plan a call this way?  The probability of the same outcome as his call on me is probably 99.99%.  But, based on his tone and wording, he was doing what […]

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Rethinking Value

By David Brock | March 18, 2011

I’ve written a lot about value propositions, but I think we really need to rethink the concept of value.  Not that value propositions are bad, but just the nature of the word “proposition” is limiting in terms of what’s important to customers.  Too often, the concept of a value proposition is focused on an event or static moment.  It may be that compelling statement we make to a prospect to get that first meeting.  It may be those set of bullets on everyones’ web sites–usually headed by:  Our Value Proposition–those generic phrases, that each competitor repeats resulting in no differentiation.  […]

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Sales Professional 3.0

By David Brock | March 17, 2011

Okay, okay, I know the title of this post will shock many of my regular followers.  You know that I have long railed against the terminology Sales 2.0, ERP 2.o, CRM X.0, and so forth.  I’ve succumbed—at least for the purposes of this post. Over the past week, I’ve been involved in a number of discussions about the future of selling (surprise).  Last week, for example, I attended the Sales 2.o conference.  I heard the prediction that the number of sales jobs in the US would go from 18M to 3M in 2020.  I continue to read about the “death […]

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Value Creation Starts With Great Questions

By David Brock | March 16, 2011

In answering a question at, my friend and business partner, Anthony Iannarino, made a very important observation:  “Value creation isn’t usually the result of having the best answer, but usually the result of asking the best questions.”  I couldn’t agree more. This is critical, yet too few sellers, marketers, and product managers understand this.  Customers don’t buy great products and services, they buy business improvement.  They buy solutions to problems, the ability to address new opportunities, the chance to grow profitability.  Customer buy the chance to have a life and not be tied to their Blackberries or email, they […]

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Proving Math Works

By David Brock | March 15, 2011

Not long ago, I was asked by some investors to assess the business plan of a start-up company.  I jumped at the opportunity, I love working with entrepreneurs and launching new products and companies.  The team I met with was filled with passion and excitement, they saw no barriers, everthing was opportunity for them to seize. My job was to focus on their market, customer, and competitive assessments.  I was looking at their go to market plan, their sales and support plans to understand the risks in the plan and to make recommendations to reduce the risk and achieve their […]

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Solving Today’s Problems Doesn’t Get You To Tomorrow

By David Brock | March 11, 2011

A few days ago, my friend Don Perkins had a wonderful comment on my post, Are You Selling To Where Your Customer Is Going To Be? He asked if CXO’s are really focused 2 years ahead, or do they focus on solving the “crisis du jour?” The right response is that, in reality, they must do both—they must focus on where the organization needs to be and they must also address today’s problems.  Easier said than done.  Too often the day to day crises and sheer momentum causes us to focus our time on solving today’s problems and fighting today’s […]

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