Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Before You Pick Up The Phone!

By David Brock | April 17, 2012

I’m constantly amazed at the calls I get.  People calling me, with little idea about who I am, what I do, what my company does.  I see this from sophisticated people in large organizations to those people dialing for dollars. Don’t misunderstand me, it’s not my ego speaking, but I’m a really easy person to research.  Do a Google query, a lot of stuff about me pops up to the top or near the top.  In LinkedIn, there’s a complete profile with links to my blog, my company’s web site, and twitter.  So it’s really easy to find out about […]

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Does Every Review Become A Deal Review??

By David Brock | April 16, 2012

I sit in hundreds of review sessions every year.  Pipeline reviews, territory reviews, account reviews, opportunity reviews, call reviews.  An odd thing happens in about 90% of the reviews, they all become deal reviews. Think about the last pipeline review you participated in.  It starts out with a review of the pipeline, pretty soon, someone–perhaps the manager, perhaps a participant, perhaps the sales person doing the review, focuses on a particular deal.  All of a sudden the conversation shifts and becomes a deal review.  Seldom do we get back to reviewing the pipeline, if we do, it’s only for a […]

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Taking Shortcuts

By David Brock | April 16, 2012

We all take shortcuts.  We want to find the path of least resistance, we want to get to the goal in the shortest time possible.  It’s natural human behavior. Too often, however, the shortcuts we take are the wrong ones.  It’s too hard to research a company and individual before a prospecting call, so we just call and talk about the only thing we know–ourselves and our products.  We’re pressed for time, so we don’t prepare for a sales call–we shoot from the lip, after all, we’ve made hundreds of calls before.  It takes a lot of time to develop […]

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“Can We Collaborate?”

By David Brock | April 13, 2012

To be fair to my readers, this is a rant, if you aren’t prepared for my whining, you may want to forego this post. It seems everything these days has to be a “collaboration.”  Rather selling our customers something, we look to collaborate or partner.  When we want something from someone else, it’s a collaboration.  In establishing a new relationship, we immediately want to collaborate. I must field at least a dozen emails or phone calls, each week, with someone or some organization that wants to collaborate with my company.  When I respond to the call, I come to learn […]

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Interruption Based Selling!

By David Brock | April 12, 2012

I’ve been following a discussion on cold calling.  The topic of “Interruption Based Selling” came up, with several people taking strong stands against this. Frankly, I think it’s our obligation to “Interrupt”–particularly if we want to create real value for our customers.  Waiting for the customer to reach out, waiting for the customer to recognize a need is often too late–both for the customer and most of the time for sales. Our customers are just like everyone else.  They’re incredibly busy just doing their jobs.  They are consumed with keeping things going.  They don’t have the time, or may not […]

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Making The Time To Sell

By David Brock | April 11, 2012

Virtually everything we do can be recovered.  We make a bad call, we can fix it and recover from it, we lose a deal, we can learn from it and win the next ten deals.  The one thing we can’t recover is time–once we’ve spent it, it’s lost, we can’t re-do it, we can’t recover it.  So it’s critical we manage our time to maximize our impact and effectiveness. If our job is to sell—to acquire new business, orders, and revenue; then clearly we want to maximize the time available to sell (as well as maximize our effectiveness for the […]

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