Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference
This is Dave Brock’s Blog.
It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.
I may be guilty of wordsmithing and I’d appreciate you correcting me on this, however I’m becoming very uncomfortable with all the posts and emphasis I see on messaging. Maybe part of what’s driving this post, is I’m getting sick and tired of being “messaged.” As Voting Day approaches, the intensity of messaging is increasing, but my engagement is plummeting. I wonder of this is a problem we have with our prospects and customers. Are we messaging, but not engaging. Are we messaging, but not generating conversations? Don’t get me wrong, messaging is very important, but it is a means not the objective, or […]
Read MoreIt seems I spend half my life in reviews–territory reviews, pipeline reviews, deal reviews. Most of the reviews leave me with a slightly uncomfortable feeling. The discussions focus mostly on what’s happened. Most of the time is spent in talking about history, when it seems the bulk of the discussion should be about “what do we do about it, what’s next?” There are several objectives to reviews. The first is to get a snapshot or status updated of the “state of the business,” whether it’s a deal, territory, pipeline, account–whatever. The second is a collaborative effort focused on “what do we need […]
Read MoreIt was a loss review, one of those very difficult discussions after a major–and surprising loss. I’d been invited by a client to participate and help analyze the loss. First, I have to congratulate them for conducting a review, too few organizations conduct these and use these for improvement. But that’s not the point. During the review, one of the product management executives was really puzzled as the sales team explained the loss. At one point, exasperated, he said, “But we gave them everything they wanted……why did we lose?” He was frustrated and didn’t understand. They had met all the […]
Read MoreAs sales people we are trained to do needs analysis. We have questioning guides to help us determine customer needs. Often, those are focused on identifying the needs that we address best. Sometimes our questioning strategies go deeper, we try to prioritize, qualify, and quantify the needs. This is critical, it helps us understand the sense of urgency or pain, as well as providing a basis for justifying our solutions. But too often, we miss the real goals that drive the customer. The real needs they want to address. We need to understand their goals! Yeah, I know a lot of you think this […]
Read MoreEvery sales professional knows the importance of keeping a full pipeline. If they don’t, their managers remind them of it every pipeline review. But if we are keeping full pipelines, why do only 53% of sales people make their quotas? Something’s wrong. I get to see the pipelines of dozens of organizations and hundreds of sales people every year. After only about 15 minutes of review, too often what I see is a pipe dream, not a pipeline. The signs are easy: Deals that have been in the pipeline too long. You’ve seen them, your average sales cycle is 90 […]
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