Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Your Ideas Are Worthless!

By David Brock | November 21, 2012

For that matter, so are your plans and strategies!  We spend a lot of time focusing on these activities.  We’re proud of our creativity, we’re proud of the work we have done to generate the ideas, plans, and strategies.  We’re even protective of them (particularly pundits, consultants, and gurus who go to extremes in “protecting” ideas.). Ideas, plans, and strategies only translate into value for our customers and us in execution.  It’s putting them into action, learning, adjusting, tuning, and producing results that drive the value of our ideas, plans, and strategies. Think about it, how many times have you […]

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The Power Our Questions Offer Our Customers

By David Brock | November 18, 2012

Any sales person worth her salt knows how important questions are.  They are critical to our success.  Effective questioning gives us great insight into what the customer is trying to achieve, their attitudes, their problems and needs (though I know it is no longer “fashionable” to probe for need.). Effective questioning gives us the data we need to develop and position our solutions.  Once we know what the customer is trying to achieve and what they want, we can prepare our strategies for presenting the solution and winning the business. But questions are much more important than just giving use the […]

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“Content Free” Content

By David Brock | November 17, 2012

I haven’t whined in a while, so pardon me for this indulgence.  We all know that content is critical in engaging prospect and customers.  Let me rephrase this, “good content is critical…..” Clearly, organizations are getting the message about content, the problem is they are forgetting to provide the content.  A couple of examples, in cleaning out my email this morning, I’ve actually encountered several offers that I’ve found interesting.  I dutifully clicked the links to get the information the emails were enticing me with. In the first case, I get to a beautiful landing page.  A nice picture, with nothing […]

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Metrics, Awareness, And Goal Attainment

By David Brock | November 17, 2012

For those of you who have followed this blog for some time, you know my obsession with metrics.  I measure everything I do, whether it’s work, professional, or personal.  I’ve written about how I measure my performance on my bike rides in What We Miss About Sales Metrics.  I’ve gone another step in my obsession.  I’ve recently gotten a clever device called a Fitbit One (yes, I’m really a gadget freak).  While the folks at Fitbit may be appalled with this description, it’s basically a pedometer on steroids.  It tracks how many steps I’ve taken, how many sets of stairs I’ve climbed, how far […]

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“We Aren’t In Kansas Anymore” Going Global

By David Brock | November 16, 2012

Finding and serving customers around the globe used to be the province of larger companies.  It was difficult for small to mid-sized companies to move beyond their home regions.  Often it required massive resources and investments.  Today, it’s high on the “to-do” list of most entrepreneurs and start-ups. But going global is challenging.  Whether a North American, European, Asian, African, South American company; success depends on building and executing a sound plan.  In working with our clients, we’ve discovered a few things: Are you ready to expand out of your home country?  I mean REALLY READY!  Too often we see companies wanting to […]

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“Protecting The Family Jewels” And Disruption

By David Brock | November 15, 2012

“Protecting The Family Jewels” is an implicit or explicit part of too many business strategies.  Often the term reflects a focus on the core–whatever that might be–core products, core markets, core strategies.  I first became acquainted with the term in terms of protecting base revenue.  However, in protecting base revenue, we miss or lose new opportunities to grow.  Sometime, protecting the family jewels  focuses on protecting what made us great in the past, but causes us to miss important disruptions that can destroy that base we are protecting.  Every segment, industry, market, even geography is filled with examples of “Protecting The Family Jewels.”  Protecting […]

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