Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference
This is Dave Brock’s Blog.
It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.
I hear it all the time, “I need an excuse to get back into the customer. Let me get them that case study, that reference, that white paper, anything that allows me to meet with them one more time.” Creating excuses to get back into the customer is nothing but old sales mythology. It does nothing to serve us or the customer. We’re all desperate to find customers willing to talk to us, willing to consider buying. Once we find them, once we have a meeting, we won’t let go. We want any excuse we can to get back into the […]
Read MoreI do deal reviews with sales people every week. Too often, I hear the same thing, “The customer is busy right now, they’ve asked me to call back in 30 days.” 30 days becomes 60, 60 becomes 90…… We keep those deals in our funnels. We won’t let go of them. We diligently follow-up at the appointed time, then reschedule for the next time, and time goes on. We’re afraid to let them go, it took so many prospecting calls to find a customer willing to talk and consider us. So we’ll be polite and wait and wait and wait. […]
Read MoreWithin the space of 45 minutes today, I get two calls from sales people–each selling something completely different. The first sentences out of their mouths were essentially the same, “Dave, I’m Joe Smith (we’ll say), from XYZ Systems. I wanted to see if I could provide you a free quote for……….” The answers in both case were easy, “No,” and they pleasantly thanked me and hung up. Hmmmmmm………. What kind of prospecting calls were these? I wish they were unusual, but they aren’t. I lose count of the number of calls I get on a weekly basis offering to provide […]
Read MoreThere’s a great article in the Harvard Business Review, “Figure It Out.” Be sure to get a copy of it. The ability to “Figure Things Out,” is critical for sales and business success. But it seems we overlook it, or try to “engineer” all our support systems around providing all the answers and direction. We create sales automatons that can follow a process, that can learn a pitch, that can leverage the tools. As I read articles about critical characteristics for sales people, I never see “the ability to figure things out” as a recruiting characteristic or something we […]
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