Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference
This is Dave Brock’s Blog.
It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.
Today, I read probably the most impactful posts I’ve read in months. It’s entitled Stumped, by Mark McCarthy. It’s simply brilliant, you would be doing yourself a disservice by not reading it. I won’t do it justice, but I wanted to add my thoughts to Mark’s. As sales professionals, we think we have to have all the answers. The customer has a question–we leap to answer, sometimes not really answering the customer’s real question. We find customers who have problems, we have all the answers—now if only we can get them to buy. In reality, our customers have very difficult […]
Read MorePerhaps, some “guru” has just published something about the importance of LinkedIn Recommendations. In the past week, I’ve gotten several requests from people for recommendations. Here’s the bad part, they are people I don’t know! Yes, they are connected with me, but other than what I read in their profiles, I don’t know them. Some of you may argue, why did you connect with them if you didn’t know them–that’s fair, but I honor about 85% of the requests for connection. There are some that just don’t look right, the open networkers, there are people who want to connect but […]
Read MoreI believe there is a basic sense of honesty and integrity to the way people behave–though everyday there are stories that test that belief. I believe that people tend to try to do the right thing. Yes, every once in a while you get burned, but you move on. But this is not a post on honesty and integrity. It’s just a simple post on doing the right thing and doing things right. When things are going right, we tend never to question this. Doing the right thing is easy, it’s natural, there’s no problem, no tugging in the back […]
Read MoreA few years ago, a client called me very frustrated. He was the CEO of a large company, he’d been traveling in the field, visiting customers and sales people. He told me of a ride-along with a sales person in Boston. Proudly, the sales person was talking about a large system he had just sold. When my client asked him, “What did you sell if for?” The quick response was, “For $7.5 million!” Some of you may be scratching your heads wondering, “Why is the CEO upset, sounds like a great deal?” What upset the CEO was, he wanted to […]
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