Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Who Cares About “Outstanding Customer Service Experience?”

By David Brock | September 9, 2013

Sometimes, I think we get customer service wrong.  We try to create outstanding experiences.  We survey people about the experience and how it can be improved.  We sell the value of our outstanding customer service. Frankly, to me, the very best customer service experience is to have no customer service experience at all!  Not having the need to engage customer service, in the first place, makes me more satisfied with the product or service I’ve bought than the most sophisticated customer service process in the world. Let me explain myself.  To put in a customer service request, whether through the web […]

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80/20 Management

By David Brock | September 8, 2013

All of us like to fit all sorts of principles and examples into Pareto’s Law.  In many cases these are relevant and great examples.  There are dozens of articles on leadership and coaching which apply the 80/20 principle.  Everyone seems to have a different 80/20 depending on what they are talking about.  Much of it may be valid, but too often I think many of these articles miss the real point. As managers, we are expected to lead, manage, and coach all our people–not just some of them.  Our job is to maximize the performance of each person in our […]

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“How Much Does It Hurt?”

By David Brock | September 5, 2013

I was in the doctor’s office for a check up the other day and was fascinated with the “Pain Chart” on his examining room wall.  It was one of those simple things doctors use to help patients describe the magnitude of pain they are experiencing.  I’m sure you’ve seen them, typically a 0-10 scale ranging from “Ouch,” to “PUT ME OUT OF MY MISERY!” My doctor explained the chart to me.  He said that it’s really difficult to get people to describe their pain.  They can describe where it is, they can describe a little bit of the nature of […]

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The “Squishy” Buying Cycle

By David Brock | September 4, 2013

Too often, we think of the customer’s buying process as something that, once we understand it, is fairly structured and defined.  Our job as sales professionals becomes aligning our selling process with the customer’s buying process, moving through the process in a disciplined manner. I think there is a different view of the buying cycle, one that is more “squishy.”  Hank Barnes of Gartner, has an interesting concept of the buying cycle being a series of “activity streams,” each going at various speeds.  These streams are constantly working–but with differing levels of focus and activity.  The outcome of these buying […]

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Purpose Driven Sales

By David Brock | September 4, 2013

pur-pose:  noun,  1.  The object toward which one strives or for which something exists an aim or a goal……  2. A result of effect that is intended or desired, an intention.  3.  Determination, resolution.  4.  The matter at hand; the point at issue. Being purpose driven is not an accident.  It’s a choice, a conscious strategy to achieve.  It’s a choice about creating meaning in everything we do.  It is why we choose to sell, less how or what we sell. Being purpose driven is doing things by design.  It’s about having a strategy, it’s about having a plan and executing […]

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Shooting From The Lip

By David Brock | September 3, 2013

Most sales people are very fast-we think fast, we react, we talk.  We’re prepared to immediately jump in, reacting to anything that’s happened in our deals.  We’ve been through similar situations over and over, we have polished responses and can deal with virtually anything.  The customer says something, we respond. Couple that with being busy.  We have too much on our plates.  We have reviews, meetings, we’re measured by activities—often meaningless activities. We don’t take the time to prepare, after all we can just shoot from the lip. We can always respond to anything the customer does, we listen for the […]

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