Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference
This is Dave Brock’s Blog.
It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.
I’m occasionally amused by some of the comments and responses my blog posts provoke. Not long ago, I published a post, The Best Sales Person I Ever Known. In the post, I basically said this was a meaningless question. The answer depended on a huge number of things, which until defined would produce a meaningless answer. Even then, it would be individually based, and someone else’s experience of that “best” sales person would be completely different. Yet, an amazing number of people, whether on LinkedIn, or email, sent me the names of the best sales person they ever met. Clearly, […]
Read MoreAs sales people, we probably have strong egos. It’s part of what gives us the confidence to call/meet with people we’ve never met and tell them “I can help solve your problems.” Having a strong ego can be very helpful in the day to day ups and downs of selling. Having too strong an ego can be devastating! When it becomes all about us, we lose our ability to engage prospects and customers. Too strong an ego puts us and our interests at the center of selling. The customer becomes peripheral. Understanding what they want to achieve, engaging them in […]
Read MoreI’m often asked, “Who’s the best sales person you’ve ever known.” Recently, a colleague asked me this once again, he has some idea of compiling a list of these people. I’ve thought long and hard about that. I’ve reflected on the thousands of sales people I’ve worked with over my career. I’ve reflected on stunning performances, outrageous wins, stellar quota attainment. I’ve finally come up with the answer. The envelope please………. Drum roll please…….. Pregnant pause, while I open the envelope (I’m sure many of you are wondering, “Do I know who he’ll name? Is it me?”) The answer is……. […]
Read MoreJust when I think I’ve gotten the worst possible cold prospecting call and that nothing else could be worse, some sales person proves me wrong. Today, I got a call from someone selling “promotional items.” I answered the phone and get this over the top with enthusiasm greeting. I had to hold the phone 6 inches from my ear as he shouted the introduction. He referred to our speaking previously and of my having expressed interest in his products. I wedged my way into the conversation, “I don’t recall every speaking to you. We don’t buy promotional items as part […]
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