Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference
This is Dave Brock’s Blog.
It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.
Bear with me on my word play in the title. I was just doing some deal reviews with a very frustrated sales person. He had a deal that was very important to him. He’d been working it for a long time, he needed it to make his numbers, he was in the closing stage of the process. Apparently, he was winning the deal, but he couldn’t get the PO. He told me, “They’ve told me I’ve won and I should get the PO any day now. But that was weeks ago, I keep calling them asking, ‘Where’s the PO?’ They […]
Read MoreI received an interesting email. A person had read a post I had written about Customer Experience. As a result, he was motivated to sign up for my newsletter. There the difficulties began. Apparently the “widget” I use doesn’t allow for keyboard short-cuts. That was a problem with this individual’s customer experience of my site. It didn’t stop there, apparently there is the same problem with the confirmation email, which further annoyed this individual. He implied there are other things about the process that annoyed him–but the only other thing he would receive is a thank you email. So, I’m not […]
Read MoreI worry, sometimes, that we take the process of hiring, onboarding, coaching, developing and managing the performance of sales people too casually. Too often, managers tend to treat sales people as commodities. There’s an attitude of quickly hiring the best that’s available, if that person doesn’t work out, we can fire them and hire someone new. Likewise, as business goes through it’s natural ups and downs, sales organizations are expanded and contracted to fit our budgets. It’s not just a sales management issue, too many sales people move from job to job, never staying in a job long enough to be […]
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