Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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The Seller’s Process Or Journey

By David Brock | May 27, 2015

    x Connect via LinkedIn Subject Message Connect Yes, you read it correctly.  The title of this post is the Seller’s Process.  I’m not trying to play word games, but rather suggest that we (sellers) need to dramatically shift our points of view about how we engage prospects and customers (buyers), along with that, change the words we use to describe the process. Let me explain what I mean by starting with the customer–which is where everything really should start. There are thousands of post, articles, books glibly talking about the buying process, the buyer’s journey, the customer journey.  […]

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How Well Do I Have To Know My Customer?

By David Brock | May 26, 2015

    x Connect via LinkedIn Subject Message Connect  There are some interesting discussions about the amount of research required to prospect and engage customers.  Inevitably, the search is for the right answer—or probably realistically, it’s “give me the answer I want to hear.” The answer we want to hear is, “What’s the minimal amount of work I need to do to be able to contact and engage a customer?” The reality is probably something more like: It depends, and Regardless of the answer, you have to do the work. And it probably all evens out in the end, meaning–there […]

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Context, The Ultimate Sales Differentiator

By David Brock | May 24, 2015

Everyone is enthralled with content these day–Thankfully! Content’s not new, just most of the content generated sucks.  We have data sheet after data sheet, millions spent in brochures. Of course there’s always the standard corporate presentation, with the ever so important logo’s slide.  It’s usually the second or third slide and it really is a “brag slide,”  “here are all the wonderful customers that bought from us…” Fortunately, leading marketing and sales enablement folks are moving content into a new realm.  They are “customerizing” it, perhaps even humanizing it.  It’s targeted to personas, it’s targeted to markets and industries, it […]

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“The Modern Buyer Is Digitally Driven, Socially Connected…..”

By David Brock | May 22, 2015

There’s no doubt digital technologies and social media are changing the way we live, engage, and do business.  Their influence is huge and the growth rate continues to accelerate. I read all the stuff that says everything’s moved to the web.  I don’t disagree, but I don’t agree.  Some would have you believe all we need to do is spend our time on the web, leveraging social sites and tools like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tinder (oops) and others. We’re inundated with words liked Digitally Driven, Socially Connected…. Out of curiosity, I decided to try to figure out what that really […]

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Moving Into Our “Discomfort Zones”

By David Brock | May 22, 2015

As sales people, we get frustrated with customers that are slow, reluctant, resistant to change.  We want them to embrace change, moving forward; because moving forward presents us an opportunity to sell. But turn the mirror on ourselves, and we are as reluctant as everyone else to change. We cling to what we have always done, we resist, we stay rigidly entrenched in our comfort zones. Even when nothing is working! We may do what we have always done with greater intensity.  We may wrap a veneer of the latest technology around it, not enabling us to improve, but rather […]

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The Data On Sales Success Is In!

By David Brock | May 21, 2015

We’ve run across some startling data on sales performance: 99% of sales reps making quota pee at least once a day! 98% of sales reps who show up for work on a regular basis are more likely to makes quota than those who never show up for work! 96% of sales people making quota, brush their teeth at least once a week. From these startling pieces of data, clearly the secret to sales success is peeing at least once a day, showing up for work, and brushing your teeth at least once a week (sorry we didn’t test daily brushing, […]

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