Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference
This is Dave Brock’s Blog.
It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.
There’s the familiar saying, “If all you have is a hammer, pretty soon everything starts looking like a nail.” I’ve adopted this, “If all you USE is a hammer, your success is limited to finding and pounding nails.” Unfortunately, too many sales people have only one tool in their bags. It’s their product knowledge. What they are really good at doing is pitching the product. They may also be good at defending the product against alternatives. So as long as that’s all the customer cares about, there’s a good chance sales people who only carry “hammers,” those who base their […]
Read MoreRegardless of our role–customer, sales person, sales manager, executive, we face similar issues. Overwhelming and conflicting information and data, rapidly shifting priorities, time and space compression, dizzying complexity, more choices yet fewer realistic alternatives, ever accelerating change, continual disruption, increasing confusion. We are expected to do more, with fewer resources, in less time, with more-but perhaps not the right information. It’s no wonder stress levels are so high, that people are tired. Often we seek refuge in the familiar, not necessarily because we want to, but because we don’t know what else to do. We are confused by choice. Often, when we should be […]
Read MoreI was asked to participate in a deal review. It was one of those “mega” deals, the one you dream of, the one that will make your year–or at least give it a significant boost. In preparation, I started to review the opportunity in the CRM system. I discovered my client was pretty late in the cycle. Apparently, the customer had been thinking about this problem for some time. They were one of the proverbial “70% through the buying cycle” customers. They had gotten to the point of writing an RFP, providing it to all interested parties to respond. I […]
Read MoreSales manager, or sales person—-choose, you can only be one! While it seems so obvious, too many managers make the wrong choice–that is they try to be both. It always fails–it’s a disservice to your team, to your company, and most of all to yourself. There are several devastating scenarios: Sales manager as super sales person. We know what that looks like, the sales person has been working a deal, as it gets to the closing stages, the sales manager swoops in, pushing the sales person to the side and does the deal! Back in the office, his chest is […]
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