Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference
This is Dave Brock’s Blog.
It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.
We know we are supposed to be customer centric. Buyers and buying have changed, they’re in control (funny, I always thought they were.). Millions are spent in creating great customer experiences. As sales people we know we are more successful when we focus on the customer–helping solve their problems, understanding their needs. We seek to provide great insights and to teach our customers. Gone are the days of pitching or telling our customers about our products. We now know that success comes in collaborating with our customers, helping them grow and achieve their goals. We know by helping our customers […]
Read MorePerhaps the most difficult thing to recognize in moving from an individual contributor role into a management role is that made you great as a sales person will be your biggest barrier to being an effective manager and leader. As an individual contributor, what probably made you a high performer was your ability to get things done–in the company, with your customers. These included prospecting and finding new deals, making sure they were the right deals, developing and executing strategies to win, overcoming competition, other alternatives. In virtually every case, what separated you from everyone else was the ability to […]
Read MoreThere are thousands of posts and hundreds of books on Value Creation. I’ve, in fact, written 285 since starting this blog and dozens of others at other sites. The themes in all of this stuff usually follow a similar line of thinking: Customers define value in their own terms. Sellers have to create value aligned with what the customer thinks is important. To win, we have to create more value than anyone else. From there, things start getting a little fuzzy, because we start wrapping pricing and discounting into the whole concept of value creation. Theoretically, we justify higher prices […]
Read MoreActually, this might be applicable to virtually any professional article or book you might pick up. But let me go into a bit of a back story before I go on. Yesterday morning, I got an email from a client and close friend. He was ranting about a blog post another friend had written. Friend A said, “This is naïve, simplistic, completely off base for most B2B sales! How can this guy (Friend B) write this stuff? It’s irresponsible!” Friend A has a huge amount of credibility with me, he’s been the top sales executive of some of the largest […]
Read MoreRecently, I published a rant on LinkedIn, “Patient 0 Of Stupid Prospecting.” This rant targeted a self appointed Sales Guru and Sales Trainer who had helped “thousands of sales people” over 15 years. A couple of people commented, “What does perfect prospecting look like?” I can’t tell you what perfect prospecting looks like, but I can tell you how to do it. Simply put perfect prospecting means “doing the work.” actually, “doing the right work.” Let me explain. Sloppy prospecting is too easy. Get an email list of a few thousand people, spend 15 minutes writing an email, push send. […]
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