Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference
This is Dave Brock’s Blog.
It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.
I don’t know any successful business leader (in either the for profit or not for profit world) that has ever said, “We really don’t care about revenue!” We may be driven by other reasons–not for profits have missions to help solve profound social or other problems. For profit businesses may be driven to solve certain problems, to have an impact on their customers and markets. Some may be driven by a passion for building products. But all of these require funding, money. As a consequence, we have to care about revenue. If we care about doing these things over a long […]
Read MoreMy friend, Mike Weinberg, has been one of the most consistent and vocal spokesperson on the Dysfunction of Sales Leadership. He wrote a brilliant article about this, identifying 8 Sins that destroy sales cultures and results. Be sure to read his article. For a much deeper discussion, make sure you read his book, Sales Management Simplified. (It’s a perfect complement to Sales Manager Survival Guide.) Mike’s right on target. I want to weigh in on his discussion and will be writing a series of posts covering each of his 8 sins, as well as adding to these. This first article […]
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