Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference
This is Dave Brock’s Blog.
It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.
Preface: I’ve been introduced to Daniel Schmidt by my friend Don Mulhern. While I haven’t met Daniel, it’s fascinating to read his perspective on selling. Like so many other participants, Daniel didn’t set out to be in sales, but found himself selling. There are words Daniel uses in his story which are common to my own experience and what so many other participants in this series say, “solving problems……energizing….passion….imagining possibilities…..personal growth…!” As Daniel describes, every day, every situation, every customer is different. Figuring out each situation and contributing to customers achieving great business outcomes is what excites most high performing […]
Read MoreIt’s human nature to have biases. We tend to see things the way we want to see them. We find facts and evidence that support our experience or what we want to believe. Our propensity to do this causes us, perhaps unconsciously, to defend the status quo. But this doesn’t mean we are right. The doesn’t mean we are seeing things the way they are. Ignoring this puts us at huge risk. We may be making mistakes. We may have missed something. Things may have changed and we are ignoring, consequently vulnerable to consequences of that change. We must continue […]
Read MoreJust got off a call with one of the best salespeople I’ve ever worked with. We were prepping for a very difficult customer meeting this afternoon. As we discussed the situation, he described the difficulties this customer had created in the past, he talked about how unreasonable they had been, how they weren’t meeting commitments they had made to him. We also discussed the changing expectations his company had in the relationship with this customer. Without a doubt it was likely to be a very difficult conversation. But as we spoke further he said, “They are going to be very […]
Read MorePreface: Bill Butler and I met at a conference a number of years ago. I was fascinated with the offering JourneyDXP had (and remain fascinated with it today). It’s a solution that addresses the way buying is changing, integrating digital and personal selling. But what really interested me were Bill’s perspectives on where buying and selling is headed and how we must change our engagement strategies to work with buyers more impactfully. One of the comments I find most striking is Bill’s focus on the future of selling: “Looking back, I have thoroughly enjoyed the challenges of selling, growing companies, […]
Read MoreI was speaking to a group of sales people. During the Q&A, a salesperson asked me, “What are your favorite books on sales? What should we be reading?” There are lots of outstanding books on selling. While the basic principles at the core of high performance selling are the same, each book has a slightly different perspective on how to implement them. But as I reflected on the question, I asked, “What books are your customers reading? Where do your customers go to learn? Where are they going to get insights on how to more effectively grow their businesses and […]
Read MorePreface: Who doesn’t know Keenan? I first met him years ago as he was moving from sales leadership roles into establishing his own training and consulting company. I think what draws me to Keenan and his perspectives is his obsessive focus on the customer. What are their problems, how do we help them better understand them? How do we identify the GAP between where they are and where they need to be? How do we help them close that gap, achieving their goals. With Keenan and his team, selling success is all about the customer, not what we sell. Keenan […]
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