Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference
This is Dave Brock’s Blog.
It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.
We are driven to find the single magical secret to selling success. That one thing, if we do it well, everything else magically falls into place and all our problems go away. If we find and do that one thing, our worries about hitting our goals, maxing our comp plans, achieving our scaling plans, max’ing our market caps all disappear. There have been past secrets to sales success. Years ago, it was the number of dials/calls we made each day. Then it was taken over by the number of emails a day. If we produced X emails a day, we […]
Read MoreI’ve got you for no more than 30 seconds! That’s the data for our attention span for screen time. For blog posts, I have to reduce my verbosity to 400-600 words and give you two images to allow your brains to “rest” to process the information I have shared. It’s stunning how our abilities to pay attention are plummeting! We are surrounded by too many things whose primary purpose is to distract us! In a world of constant distraction, how do we learn to focus and pay attention? As we work with others, how do we focus our collective attentions? […]
Read MoreHave you ever noticed how the way we work with ChatGPT and other LLMs tends to mirror so many of our customer and internal conversations? Too often, it might be similar to talking with a very knowledgeable person who is unengaged, uncaring, aloof. The typical conversation with a LLM is very one sided. It’s not very interested in us, it seems to be in a rush, as if it has someone or something more important to work with. While it doesn’t ignore us, like so many customers or others do, it answers so directly it seems impatient. And it […]
Read MoreWe live in a world of “discomfort.” And our natural tendencies are to actively avoid or escape discomfort or uncomfortable situations. Our discomfort tends to arise when things aren’t happening the way we expected them to happen. We expect a certain response or reaction in a conversation, and we get something entirely different from what we may have wanted or hoped for. We are doing our work but things aren’t working. We are focused on achieving our goals, yet we are not achieving them. We aren’t getting the “support” we had hoped to get. Or we may be doing everything […]
Read MoreThis is one of those knee jerk reaction posts. Two things happened in the past few days. I attended a conference. I was sitting toward the back of the room, there were about 100 people arrayed around tables watching the speaker. The speaker was a noted expert in the subject area. People had paid a lot of money just to hear that speaker (over $1K). As I looked around the audience, few eyes were on the speaker. Most eyes were cast downward, at their devices. Whether it was a mobile, tablet, laptop, they focused on their devices. Every once in […]
Read MoreRecently, in speaking with a colleague, he was showing me a series of AI prompts to help sellers do deep research on customers, their markets, issues, and so forth. What might have taken someone a couple of hours to do, AI enabled it to be completed in about 2 seconds. And the quality of the output was pretty good. We have all sorts of tools that free us up from doing the boring and tedious work. Work that is uninspiring, we just have to grind it out. Work that. often, takes time away from higher return efforts like meeting with […]
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