Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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“Those Volume Guys…..”

By David Brock | May 20, 2021

I was stunned listening to a webcast yesterday. There was an “expert” pontificating on the secrets of success in prospecting. I couldn’t believe that what he was presenting was positioned as outstanding sales practice. I knew a colleague was watching, as well, I started flipping out, texting him, “How can anyone who is an expert on creating value and differentiation in initial conversations be promoting these practices?” He responded, “Well, these volume guys have a very different orientation…..” There was nothing right about what this individual was presenting in his wandering conversation about prospecting. I can’t possibly cover all of […]

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Coaching, A Two Way Learning Experience

By David Brock | May 19, 2021

Too often, we get coaching wrong–if we do coaching at all. We tend to think of it as something we do to some poor victim, something we do for them. Seldom do we think of it as something we do with someone, and in that, we miss huge opportunities. Let me dissect this. Too many managers think of coaching as something we do to someone. These managers inflict their opinions and direct the coachee. “You need to get you numbers up!” (Well dugghhh, I know that.) Or “Go do this…. then let me know what happens.” This type of coaching […]

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“I Didn’t Take The Time To Prepare….”

By David Brock | May 19, 2021

Today, I participated in a pretty important Zoom meeting. It was an important meeting in moving a very large deal forward. Several organizations are involved, collaborating on a solution for a very large company. We had agreed on the agenda and objectives for the meeting. Several people had agreed to lead parts of the conversation. Our overall goal was to agree on the strategy and how we could create the greatest value in a series of meetings with the customer. The meeting started well, each person had prepared, we had very good conversations about how we needed to tune our […]

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Buyer Personas Are Not The Same, Even For The Same Persona!

By David Brock | May 18, 2021

Developing rich buyer personas is critical to helping us identify the key people and roles we need to be working with, what they do/how they are measured, the problems they face and so on. These personas are critical as we look at how we engage them with relevance. But, too often, we treat the buyer personas as “one size fits all.” We assume, for a given persona in a given industry or market, the way they work, the issues they face, and how they work are very similar. Our engagement strategies are the same for each person in the target […]

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Language, Words And Mindsets

By David Brock | May 17, 2021

We sales people have adopted a unique vocabulary about what we do and how we work. In some sense, it’s not unusual, every profession has words that help them do their work. When I talk to software developers, I get lost a couple of sentences after they say the word “code….(either the noun or verb).” Likewise, as financial types start talking “debits, credits, etc.” I start getting a little dizzy. Developing these unique “shorthands” are helpful in communicating with others in the profession. Since software developers must work in close collaboration, adopting a commonly understood language, and even process/techniques, enables […]

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Our Customers’ Complicated Buying Journeys

By David Brock | May 13, 2021

Buying is complicated—we see all sorts of research confirming this. Whether it’s the fact the majority of buying efforts end in no decision made, the high level of of “High Regret Decisions,” increasing uncertainty on decision confidence; more data points to how buyers struggle during and after the buying journey. One would think this is an ideal scenario for sales people to create great value helping their customers develop navigate their buying journey, enabling them to make a decision where they feel they have chosen well. But the data shows something completely different. Customers are seeking to reduce sales involvement […]

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